Today went out with mummy early in the morning to celebrate my birthday. Mummy took off and company me the whole day :D Love my mum. Of course my dad and sis too^^ We went to toa payoh to do something than went off to orchard for swensens. We had a little difficulties finding swensens. It was hidden in some corner !! But i had fun finding it. Like some maze. haha:D I love the swensens in ion. So peaceful. Not much ppl at all. Maybe coz it was in a corner where no one can find it.

After eating, we went to search for my birthday present. I totally had no clue what to get. Mummy wanted to get me Swarovski earring that matches with my necklace. But i told her i have no event to wear to. I don go much party or some grand event. I don need those crystals earrings. Therefore we went searching for wallets:D We saw many but i did not fancy any. So we went home first as my new piano is coming :D Welcome the new piano and we went out to orchard again. Poor mummy had to follow me walk here and there. Finally chosen this river island purse. Pretty cute. Stop for some snacks and continue shopping. Daddy fetch us home after that. Had dinner, cut cakes and my birthday is over.
Ps. I love this bakerzin cake. It taste like royce chocolate
I had an advance dinner celebration last sat. We went to M hotel for steamboat buffet. The cheesecake was marvelous. I can nvr have enough. Love the tempura too. I think M hotel is a pretty cool place to have dinner or lunch. Nice environment and atmosphere.
And i really want to thanks those ppl who have wish me happy birthday. I really appreciate it. Thanks :D I had an enjoyable day. Simple but happy. I hope every single birthday i have in future is like that. I am like loading picture mania. Keep loading pictures in my facebook and blog. HAHA:D pictures speaks a thousand word. Ciao !!
Ps. My fyp grouping and project finally came out. Omg i am so nervous now. Fyp seems like a scary thing. Sigh :( I am not prepared to go back to sch yet.
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