This was in the airport t1 foodcourt. Their chicken rice is really nice.

It was raining once we got into Samui international airport. Their airport have a total different concept from any other airport i been to. It was damm interesting. It was like night safari. Super cool. We had to walk down from the aeroplane andtake a tram to the airport. The airport is like open-air. It was small. But super clean and nice.

We took a stairs down the plane to the tram. Damm cool. The first time i seat this kind of tram was in china beijing.

In the tram. It was moving at a pretty fast speed. It was slightly raining when i took this photo.

This is where we collect out luggage . It is open-air too.

We walked out of the airport after taking our luggage. There is someone waiting for us to send us to the resort. We stayed in Chaweng Regent Resort. It was in the central area. So called "Orchard road" in Koh Samui. It was surround by markets and restaurant. Super convienent.

This is the resort front desk. There was even a welcome sign, welcoming us. But i did not take a picture of it. It welcome every single of it guest.

Checked in and went to a bar to chill out. Daddy was watching world cup while i was listening to ppl singing. It was really enjoyable. After that, we went back to our room and slp.

The girls were wearing really short dresses. But they sing really good.

Too bad i only visited the pub once.
2nd day:
Woke up early in the morning to have buffet breakfast. It was beside the beach.

There are around 4 swimming pool in the resort. This is the deepest swimming pool

Our dinning area

After eating, we went to the beach to walk about.

It was scorching hot

Daddy and mummy :D

Afer walking for an ultra long period we came across this one day tour booth. Daddy asked for details and we booked the Sea tour. There are many different type of tour. Such as treaking tour, diving tour, sea tour and visiting different island tour. Our tour is going out to Angthong National Marine Park for kayaking, snorkeling and sight-seeing.

Benches on the beach for ppl to lie and sun tan. Whoever lie there can be dark within mins.

When we walked back to our resort, i felt like dying. It was super super hot. I think if i continue walking any further, i will faint. Okay i sound weak but it is true. It was really hot.

This is outside our apartment.

When i open the door of our apartment, this is the view. There are three swimming pool.
I shall blog about the rest of my days in koh samui some other time. This post took me like 2 hours to load all the pictures and everything..
I been sick for two days already. Super awful. I hate being sick and weak. I cant eat whatever i want to eat. I guess is coz i went swimming for two continuous days therefore i fall sick. Sigh have no one but myself to blame. I enjoyed swimming in koh samui so much that when i am back in singapore i cant stop that habit of dipping in the pool..
Tmr going back to sch for project. Hope i will be able to keep awake after eating the medicine. HAHA:D imagine i fall asleep in sch..
Okay i shall blog till here today.
ps. who will be nice enough to buy me this shoes? It coz each about 700 euro