todaei s the last day of exam.. horray.. haha:P so happie... free for 7 weeks doin nothing.. haha:) exam was okay okay.. hope tat i can passs... sigh:( juz a pass will do even if it is a "D".. haha:P had exam at 9... end exam at 11.10... went to meet mei xian after exam.. hehe:P we went to bugis.. i was late for 20 mins.. haha:P sry.. than we went to eat mos burger.. it was raining cats and dogs lor... cannot even go bugis village.. luckily mei xian brought umbrella.. haha:P staying in bugis junction for a while.. but decided tat is was too boring so went over to bugis village.. hahA:P we were the onli one there using tissue and wipping of the water on our bag.. haha:P so ps.. we walked for around 1 hour plus.. did not even c any single thing tat we like.. maybe it is because we were to choosy.. haha:P decided tat is wad too boring, we went to plaza sing.... wanted to go outfitter girls, but the shop close for renovation.. so sad lor.. sob sob:( we went to arcade to play basketball a while to keep us alert.. as we were falling asleep soon.. haha:) than we walked around plaza sing.. bought dinner for my sis and we went hm.. haha:P too tired and sleepy to walk any longer.. haha:) tmr still goin out with cyndi to look for job and shop too.... anyone has one?? introo.. haha:) i took some pics, some pics ar still with mei xian.. actually onli one.. she haven send me yet lor.. so bad.. haha:P if u c tis, faster send me the pics..
replying of tags:
to pris: yes u ar loh.. u ar jealous.. haha:P wahahA:P still muz keep in contact hor.. haha:P
to to hui xin: my exam over le.. wahahaHA:) u ar a "good" friend.. haha:P okay lah.. thanks lor.. haha:P but one last thing my exam over le leh.. and now is holiday.. haha:P
to pluto: my exam end le.. haha:P good right?? holiday so long? wad u goin to do tis holiday?? haha:P
to mei xian: u ar even lamer tat hui xin maybe is not a fact.. but u ar also lame is a fact.. haha:P
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