back to blogging.. haha:) yestersay, me, hui xin, mei xian and cyndi went to ikea. we first met in cp.. haha:) than took 27A to ikea... hui xin was late as usual.. hahA:) we went to eat the hot dog bread there.. was nice.. haha:) i was like a water gullton.. hahA:) drink 3 cups of ice lemon tee.. hahA:) me and mei xian bought curry puff too.. haha:) than we went looking for the customer service counter.. hahA:) than we could not find the fcc.. haha:) don noe wad it is called.. and ask a security guard to bring us there.. we walk like crazy.. up down up down like millions of times.. hahA:) finally found it.. after tat, we went to take the shuttle bus to tampiness mall.. wanted to watch money not enough 2 de.. but super long queue.. sianness... and it was all selling out fast.. so we changed plan and went to changi airpport..T3..haha:) took train there.. was fun... we walked around, took the sky train, went looking for food again.. haha:) we went to tis place called something plaza.. haha:) forget its name.. damm nice inside.. haha:) than we went to T2 to eat crystal jade bread.. haha:) super nice.. maybe cos we were hungry.. hahA:) after tat, we went hm... haha:) mei xian and cyndi took 27.. me and hui xin took 53.. hahA:) the waiting of 53 was long..... haha:) went hm, slept awhile.. than cousin came my house.. hahA:) they played audi... until 12 plus than went hm.. hahA:) oh yah.. yesterday was national day.. happie belated 43rd birthday Singapore... haha:)
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