TODae after sch, went to pastamania for PT lunch:d whole class (20 ppl) went together:D teacher treated us to 11 pizza?? i forget how mani, but there is alot.... too bad most is mushroom and fish?? still tink pizza hut's pizza is nicer... anyway, after eating, wanted to go for a movie with the whole class.. but some ppl cannot make it and there is not much show to watch.. therefore, we change venue to town area... :D at first there was 9 ppl, than become 7, lastly onli left me, pris, stephanie and two other guys from our class...LOLX.. pathatic.. but kina fun too :D walked around far east plaza, went to eat snow ice at far east plaza basement, pics with steph.. :D than shop around, saw nothing. pris went hm after tat... me, steph and the two other guys continue our journey... went up and down level 3 and 1... than went to taka for food and drink.... LOLX.. the whole trip is food and food and drinks and drinks.. :D but at least i got to noe our class ppl.. tis trip is worth it.. nw i gt two ppl to company me home:D one stay in sengkang one is boon keng^^ happie me:D damm tired tis few days...
tmr still have korean lesson.. ps. i need to slim down.. say tis for like a zillion times and it is not working ^^
finally to add on, i LOVE TIS LEGGINGS.. SO NICE...

UN it gorgeous??
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