Friday, May 29, 2009
todae end sch at 12.. after sch, bought mei to bishan for lunch.. i had to take mrt back to serangoon from bishan to bring her to bishan again... she is like a princess... anyway, went to pizza hut to eat. As it was full house, put down my no. and walk around bishan waiting for her to give me a call.. finally like after 15 mins, they called me back.. order pizza for myself and baked rice for her.. :D after lunch, went to buy my shirt and went back home as mei need to go for meet the parents session at 4:D after that, went to eat dinner with parents at east coast:D home sweet home after that:D can't wait for tmr outing with mei xian coz i terribly need shopping.. lolx..
mei mei trying to avoid my camera:D
by hook or by crock i am goin to get tis bag:D

Thursday, May 28, 2009
haha:D todae is mei xian birthday:D nw she is as old as me:D wohoo.. everytime say i old?? nw u are too.. :D waiting for ur sms.. u don want reply me.:( anyway, nw in class so boring.. goin home in one hour:D goin to try the new circle line.. but too bad.. the line is not finish. onli goin to bishan, bartley,marymount and serangoon...
anyway conclusion..
anyway conclusion..
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
1st H1N1 case in singapore
hx sms me tis afternoon telling me there is the 1st H1N1 in singapore.. it was a 22 year old girl who flew in from new york.. hope it is not tat serious.. anyway, my leg is currently swollen coz of my heels... want to be nice, have to pay a price.. LOL.. serious swollen. like cannot move my legs.. sigh:( tis few days is hot and it is making me sleepy?? i do not noe y, but i get easily tired... like everyday come hm, i willl sit on the sofa and slp... oh ya.. went to watch angel and demons with shirley. movie was quite interesting and kina scary.. not suitable for weak hearted.. i got scared right at the beginning of the movie by the eye balls... :( plotting was good, as i could not guess who is the mastermind. I rated it 4/5 :D Running off to watch da vinc code:D
Sunday, May 24, 2009
todae woke up at 2.30pm.. LOLX. i have been a pig every sun and sat... yesterday went shopping with mummy and daddy.. :D went to paragon first.. shop around, bought our stuffs than went to tampiness to pick mei mei from ikea.. while waiting for her, we went to tampiness 1 to look around.. quite a nice shopping centre.. onli it is super crowded.. ate at a small cafe.. :D they sell great sandwiches and coffee... :D onli a little ex.. bought two sandwiches one coffee 20 plus bucks?? lolx.. but it is worth the price:D went to lesson onli have 11 ppl inside.. teacher gave us candy floss:D
friday, went to meet cyndi.. last min plan coz i end at 12 and she ends at 2:D i went hm after sch, submit my project online than went out to meet her.. decided to go ps.. as we gt nothing better to do, we decided to watch night at the museum.. lolx.. quite boring.. is like the first.. not much difference.. so rate it 2/5...
was planning with cyndi where to go for our overseas trip.. we took like 12 brochers.. one to tioman island, one to genting, one to bintan island, one to banyan, and mani more..we been planning for a overseas trip from like end of sec 4?? and still no action. tis time.. i am sure we will be able to go:D oh ya.. my shoes is coming in a week time:D
goin out nw.. :D

friday, went to meet cyndi.. last min plan coz i end at 12 and she ends at 2:D i went hm after sch, submit my project online than went out to meet her.. decided to go ps.. as we gt nothing better to do, we decided to watch night at the museum.. lolx.. quite boring.. is like the first.. not much difference.. so rate it 2/5...
was planning with cyndi where to go for our overseas trip.. we took like 12 brochers.. one to tioman island, one to genting, one to bintan island, one to banyan, and mani more..we been planning for a overseas trip from like end of sec 4?? and still no action. tis time.. i am sure we will be able to go:D oh ya.. my shoes is coming in a week time:D
goin out nw.. :D

Thursday, May 21, 2009
gossiping day
todae, was slightly late for sch.. during lunch, went to clementi to with classmates to eat. Some ate at kfc and some ate at sumo house. The chicken there was horrible, so much oil and fats.. todae reallie ate lots of fats :( anyway, after that went for class.. todae in SAPP, i did my work :D good work crystal:D i sat there doin for around 1 hour plus:D but without book, all my effort is gone, coz i don noe a single thing. Sch network suckz... keep having gateway timeout.. sian:( oh ya todae i did a bad thing.. lolx.. i kept gossiping about ppl.. i tink that is the onli tink that bond girls together.. LOLX.. no wonder they say cannot offend a lady. u will die terribly.. but since gossip = girls, don gossip /= girls... goin to do project nw. Tmr is the dateline, how last min can we be??
oh ya create a nice playlist inside have all my all time fav korean songs:D
purposely took one pic for my wallpaper:D
i seriously look like a auntie.. was looking at all my receipts when pris took tis
oh ya create a nice playlist inside have all my all time fav korean songs:D
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
candle-like dinner with tingli:D
haha:D todae wanted to go home after sch, but luckily tingli called at the right time... :D decided to meet her at ps after goin to orchard to buy my lappie bag... lolx... finally found my laptop bag after 1 year.. long right? coz my laptop have a weird size.. anyway, took the design i wanted than look around isetan incase i saw nicer one.. suddenly there is tis auntie( sales lady) she started to tell me the black laptop bag nicer, the one i choose not nice, somemore no protection.. than she keep tosing my laptop bag away.. and i kept picking it back up and say i want the one i choose.. lolx.. damm funnie.. after that, went to find tingli at PS.. she reach there first:D went to eat at carl jr... another funnie incident.. there is two ang mo, one guy one gurl, they wave to the ppl who work there, asking them to help them take chili sauce... than they don want bother about them.. and they continue calling for them... damm funnie.. like carl jr is a restaurant that gt waitress and waiter... lolx.. the chili sauce finally came after the guy started to shout.. damm scary!! Shop around, bought stuffs and went home around 9 plus.. outing with besties is fun:D more outing pls:D oh yah when is out monthly eating spree????
Sunday, May 17, 2009
sometimes i will find that guys are so weird?? no offends to guys... but serious.. or maybe is juz me.. maybe everyone is normal except me? i don noe... juz feel tat the guys around me are weirdos? sigh:( y can't i find all the nice guys? maybe my kind of nice is different from everyone therefore i feel that everyone is weird..... sigh:( or maybe coz i am getting sleepy nw... currently mood: emo
Friday, May 15, 2009
Outing with classmates
TODae after sch, went to pastamania for PT lunch:d whole class (20 ppl) went together:D teacher treated us to 11 pizza?? i forget how mani, but there is alot.... too bad most is mushroom and fish?? still tink pizza hut's pizza is nicer... anyway, after eating, wanted to go for a movie with the whole class.. but some ppl cannot make it and there is not much show to watch.. therefore, we change venue to town area... :D at first there was 9 ppl, than become 7, lastly onli left me, pris, stephanie and two other guys from our class...LOLX.. pathatic.. but kina fun too :D walked around far east plaza, went to eat snow ice at far east plaza basement, pics with steph.. :D than shop around, saw nothing. pris went hm after tat... me, steph and the two other guys continue our journey... went up and down level 3 and 1... than went to taka for food and drink.... LOLX.. the whole trip is food and food and drinks and drinks.. :D but at least i got to noe our class ppl.. tis trip is worth it.. nw i gt two ppl to company me home:D one stay in sengkang one is boon keng^^ happie me:D damm tired tis few days...
tmr still have korean lesson.. ps. i need to slim down.. say tis for like a zillion times and it is not working ^^
finally to add on, i LOVE TIS LEGGINGS.. SO NICE...
UN it gorgeous??
tmr still have korean lesson.. ps. i need to slim down.. say tis for like a zillion times and it is not working ^^
finally to add on, i LOVE TIS LEGGINGS.. SO NICE...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009
in life, the more u want something, the more you will not get it.
Tat is what my mom always tell me.
From small, i will always dream about living in a castle,
prince riding white horse coming for me and
living happily even after.
Guess all this will not come true after all.
Sometimes i will always tink what will happen in the future.
DO all of u all have tis kind of feeling?
random post:D
in life, the more u want something, the more you will not get it.
Tat is what my mom always tell me.
From small, i will always dream about living in a castle,
prince riding white horse coming for me and
living happily even after.
Guess all this will not come true after all.
Sometimes i will always tink what will happen in the future.
DO all of u all have tis kind of feeling?
random post:D
daddy is back... :D
sat, went to sakae sushi for lunch at compass point after goin to funeral... sigh:(
life is unpredictable.
Went home after that.
Sunday was mother's day..
me and sis bought for mummy a figuring from precious moments:D
love it^^
went to mos for lunch than went to watch star trek.
Quite a nice movie but gt one part i do not understand....
but overall the movie was fine. Rated it 3/5
i am sure there will be a part 2:D
damm lazy to blog
todae, was late for sch. It was raining so heavily..
oh yah.
for the past few night, there had been scary lighting and heavy rain
omg i tink that the lightings were horrible
it even woke me up from my slp.. scary..
the way the wind howls, it sounds like
there were typhoon ....
stayed back in sch for buom project todae..
i stared into space most of the time..
anyway, weba teacher is scary..
he kept scolding ppl
i am worried that one day it will be my turn:(
that all for todae. will post pics tmr or the day after:D
hope to meet my gurls:D
sat, went to sakae sushi for lunch at compass point after goin to funeral... sigh:(
life is unpredictable.
Went home after that.
Sunday was mother's day..
me and sis bought for mummy a figuring from precious moments:D
love it^^
went to mos for lunch than went to watch star trek.
Quite a nice movie but gt one part i do not understand....
but overall the movie was fine. Rated it 3/5
i am sure there will be a part 2:D
damm lazy to blog
todae, was late for sch. It was raining so heavily..
oh yah.
for the past few night, there had been scary lighting and heavy rain
omg i tink that the lightings were horrible
it even woke me up from my slp.. scary..
the way the wind howls, it sounds like
there were typhoon ....
stayed back in sch for buom project todae..
i stared into space most of the time..
anyway, weba teacher is scary..
he kept scolding ppl
i am worried that one day it will be my turn:(
that all for todae. will post pics tmr or the day after:D
hope to meet my gurls:D
Friday, May 8, 2009
Day without phone is.....
Todae is a day without my handphone..
i tink tat phone is a reallie important stuffs in my life.. l
olx.. whoever invented phone, thanks alot.. :D
anyway, todae reached sch at 9.30!! waited for pris..
as i have no phone i juz stand there don dare move.
finally pris came.
she went to class first and came back to find me
coz she thought class started at 9am.
and she could not find me,
thought i went to class le.. lolx..
luckily she came to find me
if not.......
i tink tat phone is a reallie important stuffs in my life.. l
olx.. whoever invented phone, thanks alot.. :D
anyway, todae reached sch at 9.30!! waited for pris..
as i have no phone i juz stand there don dare move.
finally pris came.
she went to class first and came back to find me
coz she thought class started at 9am.
and she could not find me,
thought i went to class le.. lolx..
luckily she came to find me
if not.......
anyway, yesterday during lunch break, took justin car to jurong point for lunch
with pris, shirley and ryan
with pris, shirley and ryan
first time sitting classmates car!!
we were kina lost in the beginning.
but found the place stilll :D
i tink tat jurong point foodcourt is damm special
there is aljisen, korean restaurant, mani other restaurant inside
It is all inside the foodcourt. cool right?
was a little late for sapp lesson
as we took longer than expected to came back
coz we took the longer way.. :D
after sch, went to far east.
wanted to use the voucher but could not find any nice clothes
so i took cab back home as daddy was flying to japan.
cost me 17 bucks. cos that uncle took me to a veri veri long route..
took back my phone from bishan todae with mummy:D
we were kina lost in the beginning.
but found the place stilll :D
i tink tat jurong point foodcourt is damm special
there is aljisen, korean restaurant, mani other restaurant inside
It is all inside the foodcourt. cool right?
was a little late for sapp lesson
as we took longer than expected to came back
coz we took the longer way.. :D
after sch, went to far east.
wanted to use the voucher but could not find any nice clothes
so i took cab back home as daddy was flying to japan.
cost me 17 bucks. cos that uncle took me to a veri veri long route..
took back my phone from bishan todae with mummy:D

have to make smaller.. if not i no face le... lolx
Thursday, May 7, 2009
outing with my gurls are always fun:D
todae went to sch at 9... after sch,
went to SP club fair!!
we joined 4 clubs.
one reason coz i was an easy prey.
ppl juz talk abit onli, i am trapped.. no choice.
joined fishing? (i noe i don look like fishing type)
adventure club, some pool club and lastly
sp service work club.. oh yah saw my primary sch friend there..
she was like :" Hi are u crystal? i blur blur look at her..
she say hi i am mandy ur primary sch classmate..
u from marymount right? "
so nice to know friends from primary aka sec!!
like some familar faces.. knowing u are not alone
i tink i did not change from small to big.. everyone seems to recognize me..
anyway, after the fair, went to bishan to repair my phone.
tis is the second time i repair my phone.
damm sian..
after that, met mei xian at orchard for some shopping to be done
walk around, found nothing while she found lots and lots of things
okay not lots and lots but onli two:D
met tingli for dinner
and the three of us when to tis jap restaurant for dinner
ting li's recommendation.. lolx
it was nice.. environment was nice, service was not bad
last but not least.. food was not bad either:D
though it was kina ex but it is worth it..
each person paid around 20++
we were saying, we are goin to have a every month outing
for food spree..
like find those nice restaurant and pamper ourselves:D
this is wad life is for:D pampering ourselves
love my gurls:D
so much to gossip about, so much to chit chat about
from fashion to human being to schooll..
we can talk about anything under the sun.. :D
no pics of the food for nw
therefore i am goin to put pics of
pics taken juz nw with shirley and pris
while we were having ethics and law lesson..
such nice kids are we:D
and conclusion i tink we are lame.. :D
ps . we will always be the best buddies for life:D right gurls?
went to SP club fair!!
we joined 4 clubs.
one reason coz i was an easy prey.
ppl juz talk abit onli, i am trapped.. no choice.
joined fishing? (i noe i don look like fishing type)
adventure club, some pool club and lastly
sp service work club.. oh yah saw my primary sch friend there..
she was like :" Hi are u crystal? i blur blur look at her..
she say hi i am mandy ur primary sch classmate..
u from marymount right? "
so nice to know friends from primary aka sec!!
like some familar faces.. knowing u are not alone
i tink i did not change from small to big.. everyone seems to recognize me..
anyway, after the fair, went to bishan to repair my phone.
tis is the second time i repair my phone.
damm sian..
after that, met mei xian at orchard for some shopping to be done
walk around, found nothing while she found lots and lots of things
okay not lots and lots but onli two:D
met tingli for dinner
and the three of us when to tis jap restaurant for dinner
ting li's recommendation.. lolx
it was nice.. environment was nice, service was not bad
last but not least.. food was not bad either:D
though it was kina ex but it is worth it..
each person paid around 20++
we were saying, we are goin to have a every month outing
for food spree..
like find those nice restaurant and pamper ourselves:D
this is wad life is for:D pampering ourselves
love my gurls:D
so much to gossip about, so much to chit chat about
from fashion to human being to schooll..
we can talk about anything under the sun.. :D
no pics of the food for nw
therefore i am goin to put pics of
pics taken juz nw with shirley and pris
while we were having ethics and law lesson..
such nice kids are we:D
and conclusion i tink we are lame.. :D
ps . we will always be the best buddies for life:D right gurls?
finally end of tis post with me and pris pic.. althought pris seems to be looking else where:D
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Nothing better to blog about since school started.
Boring life, boring sch...
Always have the sudden urge to go on a backpacking trip..
Juz bring my money, clothes, and necessities stufffs
and off i go to some mountain area where no one can find me!
Always have tis kind of dream...
Going all by myself around the world and enjoy mother nature and what god gave us.
Thought i am not those independent and brave kind of gurl,
but it is always my dream,
to juz be alone and give some time to mother nature...
sigh:( wonder when will my dream come true...
Totally dislike my boring life..
Everyday go sch, study, eat, slp.... so boring..
I want to go on a holiday...
it seems that there is not excitment in life!!
Been playing restaurant city most of my time!!!
Is my life goin to be wasted juz like tis??
I need to do something meaningful!!
Like go to some third world country or so to c how they live?
I always wish to be those stronger gurls, who is not afraid of anything even lion?
I find their lifes so interesting.
I will nvr be like that.
Will i??
Boring life, boring sch...
Always have the sudden urge to go on a backpacking trip..
Juz bring my money, clothes, and necessities stufffs
and off i go to some mountain area where no one can find me!
Always have tis kind of dream...
Going all by myself around the world and enjoy mother nature and what god gave us.
Thought i am not those independent and brave kind of gurl,
but it is always my dream,
to juz be alone and give some time to mother nature...
sigh:( wonder when will my dream come true...
Totally dislike my boring life..
Everyday go sch, study, eat, slp.... so boring..
I want to go on a holiday...
it seems that there is not excitment in life!!
Been playing restaurant city most of my time!!!
Is my life goin to be wasted juz like tis??
I need to do something meaningful!!
Like go to some third world country or so to c how they live?
I always wish to be those stronger gurls, who is not afraid of anything even lion?
I find their lifes so interesting.
I will nvr be like that.
Will i??
Sunday, May 3, 2009
OMG!! finally finish.
Did not know that changing blogskin is sure a chore.
I took 3 hours to finish everything!!
Like creating the header.
Use photo shop to do some stuffs..
Edit here edit there. Thought it would be pretty easy.
Who knows it will take me three hours!!!!!!
Luckily it was windy here. So my mood was pretty good:D
Three days of my holiday were wasted rotting at hm. Lolx.
Yesterday went to eat at chomp chomp with mei xian, than went to for class!!
Okay goin to rest my eyes after 4 hours on the com.. :D
ps. pls comment on the pic.. :D tell me if it nice or ugly!!
Did not know that changing blogskin is sure a chore.
I took 3 hours to finish everything!!
Like creating the header.
Use photo shop to do some stuffs..
Edit here edit there. Thought it would be pretty easy.
Who knows it will take me three hours!!!!!!
Luckily it was windy here. So my mood was pretty good:D
Three days of my holiday were wasted rotting at hm. Lolx.
Yesterday went to eat at chomp chomp with mei xian, than went to for class!!
Okay goin to rest my eyes after 4 hours on the com.. :D
ps. pls comment on the pic.. :D tell me if it nice or ugly!!
was browsing through blogs, when i say urban outfitters!!
i want to owned those clothes so badly!!
i start to wonder if i could buy and ship it over. Can i??
mmmm.. it would cost a bomb!!
it is even more ex than shopping!!
i need to go to the states badly. Daddy, when are u bringing me?? :(
i want to owned those clothes so badly!!
i start to wonder if i could buy and ship it over. Can i??
mmmm.. it would cost a bomb!!
it is even more ex than shopping!!
i need to go to the states badly. Daddy, when are u bringing me?? :(

even their basic tee looks nicer.. okay maybe i am tinking too much :(
credits to ubanoutfitters.com
Friday, May 1, 2009
is something wrong with imeem??
y do my song play for onli 30 sec?? so irritating...
anyway, todae class start is from 10 to 6.. damm tired...
did not get proper slp tis few days..
thanks to breaking dawn.. lolx..
can't stop listening to hot and cold by katy perry!!
after sch, met evan and went hm together.. daddy wanted to fetch me de...
evan c i so good.. company u:D
anyway, went to centerpoint iichi ban to eat...
i tink that is our family favourite restaurant??
last time used to be thai express.. than din tai fung... nw iichi ban??
wonder when will we change again.. :D
currently a fan of jacob black(taylor lauter).. he is hot.. lolx... show u his pics:D
y do my song play for onli 30 sec?? so irritating...
anyway, todae class start is from 10 to 6.. damm tired...
did not get proper slp tis few days..
thanks to breaking dawn.. lolx..
can't stop listening to hot and cold by katy perry!!
after sch, met evan and went hm together.. daddy wanted to fetch me de...
evan c i so good.. company u:D
anyway, went to centerpoint iichi ban to eat...
i tink that is our family favourite restaurant??
last time used to be thai express.. than din tai fung... nw iichi ban??
wonder when will we change again.. :D
currently a fan of jacob black(taylor lauter).. he is hot.. lolx... show u his pics:D

i tink i am insane.. lolx
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