todae had lesson for onli one and a half hour... started at 10.30 ended at 12... lolx.. listening to gee gee by girls generation.. all of them, damm pretty, tall and slim... lolx.. green with envy nw... :( something wrong with my fan juz nw.. suddenly off by itself.. singapore weather is damm hot hot hot hot nw... heard that is was 35 degrees in the afternoon?? can die.. tmr will be a busy day, rushing here and there.... finally it is end of the week... sch has been boring... not much things happen in my life tis few day, weeks, months... lolx.. oh ya.. pic taken with pris and shirley when we were too free with nothing better to do.. lolx.. hope they will not kill me if i put all up... :D since they always put my unglam pics up.. here i go:D

both cover their face don want ppl to c them... lolx

trying to look innocent.. since they all point at me.. lolx

omg i look damm fugly here.. shirley look red??

haha:D they laugh till veri happie?
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