todae is another day with the babes :D went to 'celebrate' michelle birthday.. lolx... me and alicia met at 12.. mich came later as she gt something on... :D than walked around, look at sstuffs... so so mani things i wanted to buy.. but stop myself from looking... sian... money can drop from the sky?? haha:D after that, we went to shaw house.. don noe wad to eat, ended up eating mac... took pics blah blah... walked to far east plaza.. shop around.. alicia bought everything she wanted... damm good... two shoes, tank top, accesories and mani more mich too... gt her stuffs.. oh yah.. gave mich her present:D hope she likes it... :D goes well with her bikini.. lol... mich went back a little earlier... alicia and me walked all the way to ps and shop around be4 she meet her mom and i meet hui xin for an interview.. but she was late.. so... nvr go.. lame lor.. went to clarke quay.. saw damm lot of nice things... bought two pairs of earrings.. both damm nice.. goin back there again:D
ps. love my earrings:D
pics overload beware before u scroll down:D
first take, weird...

second take?? even weirder.. llolx
third take, not even looking.. ppl get more experience in taking photos when they take more.. but me?? worse?? lolx

fries... oily oily fries.. lolx.. in the night eat something worse...

trying to cover my face.. :D

i look retarded...

mich and alicia.. they bought so mani things.. :D

me and mich.. we look weird.. to close to each other?? mich i noe u like to stick to me but... haha:D goin to kill me when she c tis ...

alicia... nice pose there... lolx
mich.. like we force her to take pics... actually it is true.. lolx

first try, too ps le.. so cover face..

second try, so much better:D improve:D

i look so huge... like i am three times bigger than mich.. lolx..

tis one, alicia look so tall.. actually she is not tat tall.. :D

weird look :D

that bad alicia.. say she don want to be infront coz it will make face look big and put me infront.. i became smart.. c the next pic to noe y i said that:D

haha:D at the back:D

and the following pics:D

went to clarke quay le.. so take one, hui xin :D

take two, ME:d

take three, still ME:D...

take four, ting hui xin :D

wad is with the twist hand hui xin?? lolx.. in trend?

look weird.. noe y?? coz we were so scared that we will fall in the water.. is like we are few cm from dropping onli... therefore the scared face.. O_O

beautiful scenery in clarke quay:D

tell u a secret.... (hui xin say she look better with hand pose... so.. there is it every pic with hand pose:D )

except tis... haha:D tink she is goin to kill me.. lolx

suddenly gt the urge to take the bear.. lolx.. so there is it.. bubbly.. so random :D

hui xin don noe hw to take pic.. everytime take with my eyes close... three times le...

finally.. so much better:D ur skills should reallie improve man..

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