THE HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION EVER:Dyesterday, celebrate my birthday with besties... All of six gurls was there.. like finally.. when is the last time when everyone could come... i was happie.. no not even happie can express hw i feel.... wait till i find a word than i would say it:D anyway, yesterday, was kina sad in the morning coz i thought everyone could not make it except cyndi and mei xian for the celebration... but still pull myself up and dress up...:D It took me pretty long... i started dressing up @ 1, by the time i was ready, it was 2.10... i thought i was late.. who noes........
Anyway, when i was walking toward the mrt, cyndi suddenly called me. Telling me that her shorts was too loose goin to drop of anytime and she was in the toilet.... i did not believe her at first but since she sounds so desperate...... i went back hm to take belt for her... :D than when i was goin in the lift, mei xian called me, asking me where i was... told her to find cyndi and hang up.... okay interesting part coming up.. :D
when it reach my floor, i was speakless... evan pull that thing( wad is it called??) right into my face... and everything drop onto me like never ending..... serious shock.... and there was cyndi holding the cake... everyone was there(except hui xin) everyone that include tingli,cylvi,evan:D as i was sweating like a pig, my make up was all ruin and i invited them to my house...(had to put that cake somewhere) so we kina stay in my house for about an hour???? played around... oh yah... presents. they gave me their so called ' presents ' that had everything i needed... like toilet rolls, plastic bag, toothbrush, toothpaste, tissue paper, and mani mani more... :D after a while they gave me the real one... lolx.. evan,mei xian,cyndi and cylvi gave me the whole set of nail polish from base coat to top coat blah blah... and 6 kinds of nail color, filer, nail art?, nail remover and cylvi personal make card... damm touched can:D who wouldn't?? tingli gave me a vest and a two pieces shirt damm nice.. :D thank you all :) after tat, everyone touched up a little and went to vivo:D spent our time walking around vivo coz mei xian reserve the table at marche at 6.30.... :D we took like million or no, zillion pics... self timer is a good invention:D we were all posing at different angels like we were models... lolx..( inside joke.. ):D after taking pics, went to marche.... was telling them that it was kina sad that hui xin was not there.. and i decided to prank call her while we sitted at our table:D suddenly, hui xin popped out of nowhere.... tis is reallie call surprise surprise and surprise.... after dinner, went out to sky park or something like tis to chit chat:D it was reallie reallie fun....oh yah.. hui xin gave me the channel inspire bag... :D
i have the best friends in the whole universe.... pics time:D
pics overload... beware.. by the way if u tink tis is alot of pics, there is still more at tingli camera... and pls at least take a look.. it took me 3 hours to load everything... so open ur big eyes and look....
erm the pic is abit weird.. coz i move everything.. sian.. coz like the top is suppose to be at the bottom the bottom is suppse to be at the top.. but who cares:D

the nail polish.. haven take pics of all the other present. coz my camera no battery:D

my leg = black... cylvi leg = white:D

haha:D cyndi look so innocent:D

best effect pic:D

love tis pic.. poor evan have to climb that thing.. she is the climbing monkey that day.. :D

love all the grop photo.. it seems so nice:D

don noe y ar my words suddenly underline.. nvr mind... :D not a group photo... once again.. no cameraman

i look crazy

haha:D i love taking pics that day.. till i had to do tis.. lolx

evan is so goin to kill me

all ate the same thing... damm funnie.. no wonder we are best friends:D

outside of marche:D not all of us.. we don have cameraman..

dark... haha:D mei xian have good camera skills

wohoo.. i am tall:D

evan jumping.. was suppose to jump too tat is y that expression

laughing at evan.. lolx

mei xian is a little u noe on monday.... lolx

with mei xian:D

love tis pic.. so artistic.. mei xian.. yes i am prasiing u:D

tis is nice too :D

self timer camera is good:D

nice pics;D

we look crazy... haha: D that is y i love tis pics:D

opening their present:D

the everything 'present':D

hui xin was suppose to be photoshop in.. :D

with mei xian.. gt one with tingli too.. but she say she look like ghost??

with evan:D

with cylvi:)

with cyndi:D

me and the cake they bought for me:D

all of us except hui xin...