blogging is like my life... :D nothing to do, blog.. so sian... everyday, gt project to do.. last time during sec sch, i always complain y no project.. i love project.. envy ppl get to do project.. but now?? sigh:( too mani until cannot breathe..somemore is do something i don like and don noe at all... tmr goin to stay back for netf, thurs goin to stay back for vb.. sigh:( so mani.. next week is chinese new year. but is the dataline for so mani project.. too mani until cannot breath le.. sigh:( wed was suppose to meet M.A.C but a cannot make it.. tmr i cannot make it.. so... haha:D we ended up meeting some other time... poly life damm sian..oh yah.. happie thing.. sis hav book fair on thurs.. haha:D so i am getting my eclipse book.. hope it will not be sold out.. :D yesterday, packed my room like siao.. so tired.. oh yah..anyway, so sorrie mei xian.. ps u.. :( boys over flower is nice.. :D the guys are so shuai... it is even better than the jap and tawain show:D and and.. miami ink, the ami james is so so so so cool.. :D
sometimes life is not like we always wanted.. everything may not be like wad u tink..i should not care about wad other ppl thing about me.. i should juz continue my life and live the way i want... life is not all about friends... a few more weeks and it will be all fine.. :D pray..
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