Saturday, January 31, 2009
sat... day by day passes so fast.. haha:D went to watch bride war juz now with family.. nice show.. it is about two best friends, fighting each other as their wedding is on the same day, same venue... it is a comedy.. :D yesterday, quarrel with pris.. lolx.. damm funnie lah.. we like small kids like tis.. but friends muz quarrel than call friends.. right pris?? haha:D after sch, went to cyndi house to get together for chinese new year.. at last, onli me and mei xian went.. the rest not free.. reach her house at around 3.. played mahjong all the while til 7.. haha:D than went to my auntie house after tat.. staying until 12 plus.. damm tired... tired day yesterday.. :D tmr, goin to the flyers:D can't wait... :D so so so so mani projects dateline on monday.. sigh:( there is VB, database, IDEAs, TBCM... three haven finish yet.. last time i used to love projects.. now i dislike them.. sis is using my lappie and i using her com.. noe y? coz she say me lappie now lag.. her com veri lag.. using the keyboard is weird.. coz i am kina used to my lappie's.. haha:D talking about lappie.. mei xian.. rmb?? larry?? my best buddy?? haha:D inside joke of mine.. :D got to do project le.. :D
Thursday, January 29, 2009
total madness.. haha:D waiting for my phone to charge. now is 1.30 in the morning.. tmr still hav school.. :( had reunion dinner on sat with relatives.. hahA:D love chinese new year as there is lots of bonding.. :D sun, ate steamboat at hm with family.. haha:D nice.. althought the weather in singapore is hot.. but eating steamboat is nice.. at midnight, went with cousin to the temple.. haha:D quite alot of ppl.. first time praying at night.. quite cool.. monday, went three houses in total.. cny is all about visiting each other houses and bond.. :D too bad singapore onli have two days of holiday.. :( tues, went to mom's friend house.. damm nice.. gt private lift.. :D after tat went to daddy's friend house.. play blackjack.. and lost all the while.. out of 10 games, i won two times onli.. :( cant wait for friday.. haha:D finally meeting sg.. :D we should have steamboat gathering.. :D mei xian makes me hungry.. ( not tat i want to eat her.. ) she talks about steamboat.. :D tis few days goin to be busy.. rushing projects.... vb have to hand in next tues.. omg lah.. scary.. database tis friday.. netf have to do presentation, tbcm interview next friday.. sigh:( so mani things to do.. exams ar coming too... :( haven study yet.. faint.. :( poly althought is relaxing but at sometimes, it can be stress too.
todae wore kind of punk style to sch todae.. than shirley keep telling me my hair does not suits my body. - _-'''
Saturday, January 24, 2009
todae is cny eve's eve... haha:d having reunion dinner with the whole family.. my uncle, aunties.. :D yesterday sch ended at 12... went hm to put my lappie and things down first, than went to look for shirley and her bf at bugis.. haha:D i was late:( went to haji lane to look for clothes.. the boutique there are nice.. :D every boutique have their own kind of style.. hahA:D most of the them have stairs.. haha:D feel like the stair is goin to break any moment.. lolx.. could not find anything there.. so we went back to bugis junction.. went to fox.. haha:D shirley found her shirt.. nice lah.. but too bad i wear le.. look like some kind of auntie goin market.. maybe she is tall.. wear alreadi nice.. after tat, went down to orchard to look for a.. haha:D shop around wisma saw the wallet in charles and keith.. i so want tat wallet.. haha:D after cny i am goin to get tat.. :D than went down to far east.. did not noe tat far east have so much to shop.. lolx... both of us each both a necklace.. wanted to get shoes.. but either not nice or not size.. :( than went hm at around 6 plus... omg... human jam.... it is horrible.. like almost 200 ppl jam at the entrance of the mrt station.. damm horrible.. luckily there is aircon.. if not there will be ppl fainting.. lolx... went hm and went out to eat with parents:D goin to prepare for later le.. :D
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
miiss them:(
todae was late.... reach sch at 9.40.... :( went for database lesson... than netf.. netf class is like playing class.. everyone was not even listening to teacher.... lolx.. than went for break... 1pm went for gems... another boring stuffs.... was suppose to end at 3, but teacher ended at 2.... as expected.. haha:D went to look for cyndi and cockroach head at ang mo kio hub... damm long de journey.. fall asleep on the journey there... sit too long le, stand up also leg cramp.. lolx.. cyndi meet me at B1.. went 2 eat lunch with cockroach head and cyndi( cyndi ps us.. eat first) ate at mac... start our shopping spree... looking for cny goodies.. but i could not reallie find wad i need... cockroach head look for her shoes and clothes... went to mani mani shops... try on clothes, shoes...... i at last bought tis shirt from messy... love my shirt.. and is not ex also.. :Dcockroach head bought her look like ahma but wear okay de shoes...:D her leg veri funnie one.. nice shoes, wear on her leg, will look alittle weird..not veri nice shoes, wear on her leg nice.. lolx.. then went to find cyndi blogshop customer... we find him, find like zillion years.. keep goin wrong place.. lolx.. at last found him at the mrt station... went hm after tat.. :D tis few days gt damm lot project.. so mani until i cannot breathe... sigh:( don noe how to do also:(
Monday, January 19, 2009

blogging is like my life... :D nothing to do, blog.. so sian... everyday, gt project to do.. last time during sec sch, i always complain y no project.. i love project.. envy ppl get to do project.. but now?? sigh:( too mani until cannot breathe..somemore is do something i don like and don noe at all... tmr goin to stay back for netf, thurs goin to stay back for vb.. sigh:( so mani.. next week is chinese new year. but is the dataline for so mani project.. too mani until cannot breath le.. sigh:( wed was suppose to meet M.A.C but a cannot make it.. tmr i cannot make it.. so... haha:D we ended up meeting some other time... poly life damm sian..oh yah.. happie thing.. sis hav book fair on thurs.. haha:D so i am getting my eclipse book.. hope it will not be sold out.. :D yesterday, packed my room like siao.. so tired.. oh yah..anyway, so sorrie mei xian.. ps u.. :( boys over flower is nice.. :D the guys are so shuai... it is even better than the jap and tawain show:D and and.. miami ink, the ami james is so so so so cool.. :D
sometimes life is not like we always wanted.. everything may not be like wad u tink..i should not care about wad other ppl thing about me.. i should juz continue my life and live the way i want... life is not all about friends... a few more weeks and it will be all fine.. :D pray..
Thursday, January 15, 2009
now having database practical lesson... sigh:( i need to study le.. few more weeks to exam.. :( i don want repeat.. it is a tortue enough to be in tis course, repeat would be worse.. day by day, pass so fast.. yesterday, spent almost 4 hours reading 'new moon' if i am tat addicted to my sch book, i would be a straight A student.. lolx.. haha:D y is my interest, always different from others?? i need to slim down be4 chinese new year... so can wear nice clothes.. haha:D been watching boys before flowers korean version.. nice to watch.. coz gt my fav acter.. kim hyon jong.. haha:D
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
love my sis:D
my sis so sweet todae.. haha:D she bought for me my all time fav book.. NEW MOON.. :D so happie.. she kina surprise me.. she called me when i was having lesson, told me tat ps have the book.. than i told her to reserve them for me.. later i go down and buy.. haha:D than she say gt alot don need reserve.. haha:D later, she sms me saying we goin there at night.. don need go down first.. lolx.. i went hm.. haha:D kina funnie actually.. i found the book instead of she gave it to me.. :D she lah.. the book so big, hid under the boster... and i took it.. i was like shocked.. i did not expected her to buy.. thanks sis:D nice book onli abit big.. i wish they have smaller version..
currently, listening to vanessa hudgen sneakersnight... miley cyrus 7 things i hate about you... pink so what and david cook light on.. haha:D hit fav of mine.. :D chinese new year is coming.... happie and sad... :D
currently, listening to vanessa hudgen sneakersnight... miley cyrus 7 things i hate about you... pink so what and david cook light on.. haha:D hit fav of mine.. :D chinese new year is coming.... happie and sad... :D
don noe wad to do
now is offically midnight.. haha:D tired.. will slp after blogging... sun, went to find mx at 9 am.. i am nice.. haha:D went to give out all the flyers.. we damm fast do finish.. after tat, went to eat mac breakfast.. we were practically running.. coz we don want to miss the breakfast.. ate like we nvr eat be4.. lolx.. i abit exarating... after tat, went to walk around hougang mall.. we both wanted to buy handphone strips.. :D we want to buy it on tat day.. haha:D so we went round and round to find it.. finally juz anyhow buy one... onli i buy.. poor mx.. she let me buy, wanted to go cp to find but she cannot find... so sorrie.. :( todae, went to sch.. blackout.. hot like mad.. haha:D gt all the formal pics.. damm ugly lor.. i look so so so so unglam.. zac lah.. anyhow take pics... gt one pics, damm unglam.. look so ugly.. sob soB:( okay goin to slp now le.. tired.... zzzzz.. tmr sis no sch.. lucky her.. her sch ppl score well for o level i tink she no sch for them.. sigh:( envy.. love my new song... david cook 'light on'.. damm nice borrow a book from sch library todae.. first time borrowing book from sch.. :d tired.. zzz..
Sunday, January 11, 2009
day by day...

mani mani things happen tis few days.. haha:D thurs, had our presentation.. i tink is a goner.. lolx.. did not practise.. did not rehearse.. and we like did last min work.. tat explain y it is a goner.. anyway, everyone wore formal tat day.. everyone look different.. haha:D i tink i am the onli extra one, wearing white.. lolx.. after tat, went to rp to look for mei xian.. many things happen there lox.. esp when me, cylvi and tingting were cam-whoring.. funnie things.. after tat, went to compass point to eat dinner.. ate at mos burger.. and noe wad?? i fall down.. so ps.. i did not c there was a step there, i juz trip over it and ended up on the floor.. haha:D cylvi thought i was sitting on the floor.. ting said i fell down nicely.. haha:D sat right down on my butt and did not open my leg.. (luckily coz i was wearing skirt.) most ps thing tat every happen to me.. went hm after tat.. leg pain like hell.. sob sob:( one reason is becoz of the heel ... another is i fall down.. okay.. friday, went out with mich and alicia.. haha:D went to find alicia at her attachment area.. she gt a shock.. haha:D went to city hall to shop.. mich gt her stuff, me and alicia both gt our skirt tat we aim for like ages.. haha:D it was so much cheaper than we thought it is.. good buy.. :D went hm after tat.. sat, which is todae, woke up early in the morning, went to plaza sing with mom for some shopping.. bought my shoes, mom change her clothes, shop around until is was 1, than i went to sch... was on duty for the open house.. rush there, as i was goin to be late.. waited for shirley at the study corner.. than we went to report for duty.. we ended up doin nothing.. haha:D juz standing there doin nothing.. talking to the ppl there, found new friends... time fly damm fast.. when we were about to end duty, we company tis guy to different classroom for briefing on the courses.. haha:D we like damm kpo.. companied him until the last stop accountancy coz the ppl there damm stuck up.. while walking out of business building, there is tis guy who asked shirley where is dover mrt, we ended up walking with him.. coz we were in the same direction.. lolx.. went hm in the same mrt.. me, step and him, talk like as thought we noe each other for damm long.. talk about anything under the sun.. lolx.. tat is all for todae.. damm wordy.. but gt alot of pics too.. :D
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
oh shit i am addicted to left 4 dead..
omg. tmr is my presentation.. and wad am i doin?? playing left 4 dead... oh shit.. i am like addicted to it until i can even play alone.. haha:D usually i don play tis kind of game.. sigh:( left 4 dead is real nice.. killing monster and zombie.. :D i am mad i noe.. totally not my kind of think.. but.... ppl change.. haha:D tmr is presentation.. i am like so a goner.. my slides sucks badly.. i do not noe wad to do to my slides.. it is like so much words and so boring.. sigh:( fainting any moment.. todae went for gems.. i feel tat the lecture is getting lesser and lesser ppl.. at first the whole lecture hall is filled with ppl.. now like onli half is filled. lolx..okay i am goin back to my project now... :D will have pics tmr.. :D
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
did not went sch todae.. diarhoea came knocking on my door... sigh:( went to visit the doctor all by myself.. doctor came me two medicine.. it cost me 27 bucks.. haha:D went hm, ate toasted bread like wad my father ask me too.. he say i will feel better.. :) ate my medicine.. omg.. it taste like.... gross... i drank one sip, i vomitted it out.. no choice.. had to drink the rest down.. sob sob:( life is miserable when u ar sick.. i hav to drink it again later.. sigh:( thurs presentation and i still haven even do finish.. i like doin everything wrong.. tmr hav to go sch no matter wad.. coz hav to finish my project.. projects, projects, projects.. projects.. everyday is project.. i used to love doin project.. but since i come to poly, i hate projects.. i missed the times when i was in sec school.. six gurls would always hang out after sch at mac..... gt to do my project now.. if not... :(
Monday, January 5, 2009
did not blog since new year... last friday, stayed back to do project.. after tat, went out to eat... sat, went to buy my formal clothes at compass point.. bought it at G2000.. finally found something i like.. haha:D it is a dress.. shirley say tat one is smart casual not reallie formal.. :D next time go out also can wear.. haha:D , than went to kezzan house at night until 2 am plus.. sunday, uncle came my house.. than went to eat dinner together, went to look for my book at novena square... did not noe tat the shopping centre so big.. haha:D try to look for my book at mph, sadly, it was sold out.. i ask if other branch hav or not.. but she told me, all sold out all four books.. sob sob:( i wanted it so badly.. sigh:( have to slowly wait until end of jan... patient patient.. :D from yesterday to now, my stomach hurts like crazy... sigh:( i tink i ate the wrong things... i been in and out, in and out of the toilet.. todae did our IDEAs presentation.. lolx... luckily i did not nervous breakdown.. TBCM lesson was kina funny.. it was like we were having pronounciation class... we were ask to say A,E,I,O,U... and mani mani more words.. continuely for almost two hour.. but it was fun.. :D i laugh my head off.. wed will be goin to be a long long day.. sigh:( gt so mani things to do.. thurs too... first will hav TBCM presentation, than after sch, goin to rp for briefing.. than goin to eat dinner with them.. :D okay goin to watch my show le.. love the show the clue collector.. now is my hot favourite.. :D
Thursday, January 1, 2009
happie new year
2009... new fresh year.... yesterday, after sch, teacher treat our whole class to pizza hut.. lolx.. class was separated to two tables.. after tat, went to find mom and sis at bishan.. bought my shoes.. :D :D love my both shoes... haha:D at night, went to collect my spec.. like finally.. ate dinner at centrepoint, ichiban.. i tink i ate too much.. lolx.. super full.. until i now also can feel the jap food.. after dinner, went to watch IP man.. quite okay de show... i did not even noe there is tis show.. coz we had no show to watch, so chose tis.. rate 3/5... :D went hm and count down... :) todae, went to ikea early in the morning.. bought my mirror.. than handed down to bishan again.. was super tired.. so we went hm..2008 is gone coming with 2009.. time flies.. i did mani thing in 2008.. alot of stupid and funnie things.. met mani new ppl, make new friends, lost some of my friends.. (meaning not keeping in contact le) learning the true meaning of life.. learning of ppl true self, feeling sad, feeling happie.. mani mani more.. i hope 2009 will be a better and happier year.. since i am alreadi taking tis path, i should juz contiune walking forward with no turning back.. :D lastly.. HAPPIE NEW YEAR to all my friends and family:D
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