Yesterday we also had presentation on DEUI. Was totally funny and embarrassing. Me and Pris totally forget about the presentation and we did not do any power point slides. Luckily we are the 4th group so we were given time to do. We rush out a power point slide in less than 10 mins. HAHA call us pro.. And we talk our way out of the presentation. Coz out power point slides have some slight error like the heading don reallie mix with what we presenting.. So we had to use our brain. Heng we can backup each other ... :D
Next week is MST week. Good thing is there is only two papers:D One on tues and one on wed.. So i am free after wed. Anyone want to date me out??
Christmas is coming. Been planning out with the class (okay maybe the girls) but we don noe what should we do when we meet. Cycling?? Bowling?? Sentosa? (But none of us is active in sports) Shopping?? What can we do..........
okay i should post the pics we take on alicia birthday:D
On alicia birthday i met her first at Plaza Sing to go to the SMU flea market. After shopping, i brought her to bugis saying that i nvr been to the iluma before and wanted to see how is it like( it is true) Surprise her as mich was sitting in the restaurant waiting for her:D cake came after that... Walk around and decided to go to marine barrage. Quite a nice place except that it is too far. U really need a car to go in. We took like 100 over pics. :D than home sweet home after that. Totally exhausting but fun. Pic will do the explanation.

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