Juz came back not long ago from orchard :D Yesterday, my whole family went to orchard to have dinner at ding tai feng.. Had our usual and went to paragon for some shopping.. Bought some skin product from clinque cost mummy around 150 bucks.. :D thanks alot mummy. After that went shopping around wisma, taka and ion with sis, while mummy and daddy went off to meet their friends for some gathering. Me and sis shop from around 6 plus to 10 plus. Totally exhausted.. Shopped around for sis's friend birthday present. Walked like mad?? Okay maybe we shopped for my stuffs too.. Bought a shirt in the end. Love it :D We walked from taka to wisma, wisma to ion, ion to wisma, wisma to taka.. I tink since the second year of my poly life, this have kena become my daily routine.. Most of my time are spend in orchard.. I tink i can close my eyes and know my way around. Been in orchard for the past three days.. LOL. Todae went there again.. Mummy bought her clothes, sis bought her stuffs and i bought mine too:D mostly food.. I love orchard cause most of my fav shops are there..
Tmr will be the start of my holiday:D or should i say tmr is the start of my exam week?? I only have two exam which falls on tues and wed.. Nothing much to study.. Not that i noe everything but is coz i don noe where should i start from.. So many things to learn and memorise.. I seems super relax.. Everyone seems to tense up.. I feel like goin shopping tmr again althought i juz shopped for three days continuously...
Been listening to most of loreena McKennitt songs. Damm soothing.. Keep me relax and cool.. :D Folks who love classical music and music that sounds so mysteries should reallie go and listen. :D or should i say those who love my blog music should go and listen..:D
okay i shall end my post here with a few pics of my current fav idol:D Sterling knight.. Juz randomly came across his pics:D should post for you all to see:D

tis pic don do him much justice..

demi lovato and him:D they both acted in sony with a chance (don noe if any of you watch tis show)