Monday, June 29, 2009
studying makes me sleepy
i noe.. from my title u can guess how piggy i am.. lolx.. serious, whenever i study, it will makes me sleepy for no reason. But when i do some other stuffs, i will not get sleepy like chatting on msn / playing games / surfing the net/ blog shopping.... seriously don noe y. i tried eating sweets, chocolate but no use will onli make me fatter.. after so long, i am still stuck at chapter 1.. still have three more chapters to go.. 100 more pages.. muz use all the brain cells in my brain.. lolx.. not all, but at least some. okay back to studying. Blog juz to make me not fall asleep back again.. sitting beside my bed is tortue.. make me feel like lying down and slp.. LOL.. tmr exam starts at 12, therefore have to wake up extra early if i want to study:( jia you to me once again.. anyway todae exam kina sux... maybe coz i did not study hard enough.. muz be for sure.. will try my best next time.. heng tis exam onli contain a little bit of percent.. phew..
Sunday, June 28, 2009
chocolate + latte + studying = relaxing
ppl is studying and i am blogging.. LOL.. how relax i am?? drinking latte, eating chocolate and studying at the same time.. lolx.. left a few more chapters or should i say two more to go... and both is damm difficult.. luckily tmr exam is at 3pm.. so i can wake up early to read more.. tis time i quite last min studying.. okay since when am i not last min.. i seriously tink that they should not put exam immediately after holiday.. horrible leh.. damm evil. can't let ppl enjoy their holiday properly.. :( todae went to watch transformer ( ppl studying i watching movie.. lolx ) anyway, i personally tink that part 1 of transformer is nicer than part 2.. altought part 2 is not bad too.. rate is 3.5/5.. :D after that went to c.p soup restaurant for dinner and went back home.. trying to put some information into my brain nw.. lolx.. jia you to me:D sipping my coffee, damm nice.. blog again after exam:D ciao
i tink i have been eating none stop tis whole holiday.. gain weight gain weight ;(

tis soup is nice.. but i forget the name le.. lolx
finish food.. lolx.. love the chicken coz is tender and maybe coz of the garlie sauce too ^^
i tink the rice there is fragrant too ^^

Bought a new phone
yesterday mummy took me to c.p to buy a new phone ^^ i choose preston.. Samsung GT-S5603... it is a great phone, onli i do not like it back cover.. wanted to gt it in white or violet.. too bad it is out of stock..even asked the sales lady to check for me in other outlets.. but all out of stock.. sad man.. holiday goin to end in one day time.. :(
Tmr i am goin to watch transformer with my family.. can't wait to watch.. been waiting for damm long for it to come out on screen.. LOL.. short post for todae. coz i have been spending tis few days rotting and enjoying my holiday at home.. therefore nothing much to write.. lolx.. Ciao :D
oh ya.. the king of pop is dead... so sad man.. i wonder wad kills him.. listening to his songs now.. damm nice.. and the way he dance.. fantastic man.. sigh:(
ps. trying to study for my weba.. :(
Tmr i am goin to watch transformer with my family.. can't wait to watch.. been waiting for damm long for it to come out on screen.. LOL.. short post for todae. coz i have been spending tis few days rotting and enjoying my holiday at home.. therefore nothing much to write.. lolx.. Ciao :D
oh ya.. the king of pop is dead... so sad man.. i wonder wad kills him.. listening to his songs now.. damm nice.. and the way he dance.. fantastic man.. sigh:(
ps. trying to study for my weba.. :(
Thursday, June 25, 2009
todae was suppose to go out with alicia and mich. But alicia suddenly cannot make it, therefore i went out with my sis for some shopping and lunch ^^ went to bishan first to book movie ticket for transformer. Was suppose to book for friday night movie.. but onli left with front row seats.. damm sad.. asked for sat after 9, there was onli 11.40.. at last we decided to take sunday afternoon ticket.. :( the queue was damm damm long.. went to eat some snack before goin to orchard. Shop around wisma, taka than went over to f.e.p... wanted to look at the shop " best of blogshops" but sadly is was close todae.. wad luck:( me and sis went to eat snow ice.. than went back to wisma bought two shirts... lolx.. i tink during tis holiday, i bought quite a couple of clothes... i tink i made good use of GSS..
monday goin to be my test.. i am roasted meat.. haven even start revising.. how i wish there is one more week of holiday.. my eyes are swollen now, for don noe wad reason.. while blogging, my com hang again.. tis few weeks, my com will suddenly hang for no reason.. pray that it will not crush..
wanted to get tis.. but i kina look abit.. weird?? lolx.. so changed my mind
gt tis and another bunny shirt for sis.. can't see the shirt properly coz it is black and dark blue mix.. lolx
monday goin to be my test.. i am roasted meat.. haven even start revising.. how i wish there is one more week of holiday.. my eyes are swollen now, for don noe wad reason.. while blogging, my com hang again.. tis few weeks, my com will suddenly hang for no reason.. pray that it will not crush..
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
OMG... while searching for his pics online, i nearly die... saw damm lot of his damm damm cool pics... my heart melted.. LOL.. i wish i will be able to fly to korea to see him.. best if he fly to singapore TO SEE ME^^ OMG.. let my dream for awhile.. LOL.. anyway Lee Min- Ho is my current most fav idol... serious when i see him on tv or online videos, i will start screaming.. lol.. my sis can testified to that. Is that a good tink? okay pic time.. see how handsome he is.. bubbles popping in my head...... mmmmmmmmmmm.... let me faint..

he look damm nice in tis pic.. there is nicer one in yahoo.. but i am not goin to share with u all..WOHOO.. find them urself.. lolx

videos that i love...

videos that i love...
Sunday, June 21, 2009
todae is father day!!! later celebrating by eating steamboat^^ can't wait.. i sounds like a pig. Anyway on friday, daddy and mummy took off, therefore we went to King's hotel to eat ^^ ate buffet.. mmmm.. maybe the food there don reallie suits me but overall still okay^^ after that went shopping at raffles city. than to tampiness 1. Home sweet home after that. yesterday went for lesson.. damm fun.. love the kim chi. there was a party ^^ pics will do the talking. Got to go eat my steamboat le... ciao^^
the curry bread is nice^^
pig organ soup
some random dishes that i took

all pic were taken by my sis.. did not bring my handphone out...
pics credit to mei xian... taken from tis pic onwards... lolx

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Outing with sis
todae went to orchard with sis again.. lol.. shopping once again.. went to taka to look for food.. after long pondering, we went to seoul garden.. sis virgin time.. my second time i tink. Anyway, after tat went to look for sis tote bag.. went into the same shop for 3 or 4 times.. coz she can't make up her mind.. nvr mind. went to wisma to look for more stuffs. Wanted to buy f21 shirt but i was tinking i have too too mani t shirt and not waste the money.. juz coz i want something.. but bought a blazer.. damm damm cheap.. bought it from cotton on.. cotton on have mani good find as long as u have the time and energy to find.. lol.. it was reallie pack. anyway, walk back to taka and buy sis bag.. not veri cheap though. but her bag was reallie reallie nice. pics time^^
old pic
outside seoul garden
tis pic is damm retarded.. lolx

i look damm serious cooking the meat.. lolx

my eyes looks like it is close.. but it is not.. it is half close.. lolx

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
numbness in my left hand
Do not know wad is happen to my hand... :( my left hand had been numb since i ended project at 7pm... either is usage of computer is long, or something is wrong.. i hope nothing is wrong with me... damm scared. so i went to research... saw some of the symptons... :( numbness of hand could be cause by diabetes, kidney failure,severe case of carpal tunnel syndrom(do not noe wad is tis).. nw i am kina frighten.. maybe i am scaring myself.. they say numbness of hand could be coz by stress too... maybe todae was kina stress by teacher words and codes... lolx.. pray that it is stress.. i do not want to end up in a hospital... :( anyway, i will try not to use lappie for too long and slp too late.. and eat healthy.. sigh:(
Monday, June 15, 2009
tis few days have been busy with family stuffs^^ i forget wad i did on friday le.. lolx.. i tink i gt short term memory.. one reason y i blog is to remind me where i have been and stuffs.. so that i will not forget.. anyway, sat when to orchard with family to look around.. wanted to buy clothes but could not find any tat i fancy.. therefore bought food instead.. went to lesson after that.. daddy send me there.. mei xian took bus herself.. so sorrie:( anyway teacher say we are goin to have a party next week.. LOl... everyone will be bringing things except the us.. so we asked teacher wad to bring.. guess wad she say??? TISSUE PAPER.. damm funnie lah.. me and mei xian was laughing.. anyway found a new way home^^ todae went to chan brothers tour briefing.. kina funnie.. anyway, bought a new korean disc.. damm cheap like siao.. 7 bucks onli. all my favourite songs is inside.. tmr goin to do project with pris and shirley.. hope we can faster finish^^ tues goin shopping with sis again.. ^^ can't wait. i am damm hungry nw..
Thursday, June 11, 2009
found tis pic of me when i was small.. lol.. was attending my neighbour wedding dinner.. mummy use to tell me i was veri veri vain when i was small... this pic is abit blur but i found them in my inbox when i am browsing through.. totally forget about tis pic le.. nw than rmb.. anyway one week of holiday goin to be over.. did nothing excpet maybe project and shopping like crazy.. i muz spend my holiday wisely.. life is quite boring in fact.. everytime when i feel like meeting friends, they will be busy.. when i don feel like, they will be veri free.. sigh:( not fated i guess...

my com is getting damm lag.. i do not noe y... :( maybe i download too mani stuffs... todae wanted to backup all my files into the harddisk.. but instead errors keep popping up.. pray that my lappie will not crash.. if it crash, my heart will crash into mani pieces too.. coz too mani important document is inside my lappie. example: my project, my programming stuffs.. i do not want to redownload... pray pray.. nothing will go wrong with my lappie.. hope it will be able to last me for three years/ after i graduate. ^^ after seeing how pris and shirley redownload their stuffs, i reallie don wish my com will crash.. damm complex..
todae went to sch for project again.. was late for 15 mins.. pris waited for me again.. LOL.. sorrie. did project till 6 plus todae.. at least some improvement.. hope we will be able to finish it faster^^ goin to play fish a fish le oh ya.. pics will be up next time.. lazy to upload.. therefore u all can onli read words.. i noe.. damm boring. but no choice. doin project how to take pics?? LOL.. fish a fish faster load.. ~ ciao~~
todae went to sch for project again.. was late for 15 mins.. pris waited for me again.. LOL.. sorrie. did project till 6 plus todae.. at least some improvement.. hope we will be able to finish it faster^^ goin to play fish a fish le oh ya.. pics will be up next time.. lazy to upload.. therefore u all can onli read words.. i noe.. damm boring. but no choice. doin project how to take pics?? LOL.. fish a fish faster load.. ~ ciao~~
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
todae went to sch at 1 to do weba assigment.. can seriously die... :( so difficult.. do for so long, discover it is wrong.. nvr mind.. me and pris destress by eating and eating.. LOL.. i been eating like crazy tis few days.. everyday is supper supper supper and supper.. trying to do add nw.. but can't seems to figure out.. like finally when i thought i gt it correct, than when i run, everything error.. my whole mood will go up and down like swing.. LOL.. nw is offically 2 am and i haven even finish anything.. :( who call me last min.. tmr meeting them at 11am... i want eat tom yam maggie mee.. been tinking of it since juz nw.. lol.. that will be my lunch tmr^^ can't wait to eat.. omg i sounds like a glutton.. i tink i should slp nw.. if not i tmr cannot wake up.. but the problem is i haven do finish.. :(
love the song " the climb" by miley cyrus damm nice.. ii kept listening and listening..
one more thing my com keep hang.. wish i have like two lappie? than i can keep switching. i cannot take it when it hang... gonna do my project le:(
love the song " the climb" by miley cyrus damm nice.. ii kept listening and listening..
one more thing my com keep hang.. wish i have like two lappie? than i can keep switching. i cannot take it when it hang... gonna do my project le:(
Monday, June 8, 2009
shopping with sis
todae went out with sis... went to orchard for lunch and shopping session.. lolx.. again another shopping trip.. bought another batch of stuffs... i am currently a shopaholic... need help.. LOL.. me and sis ate like little piglets.. todae i ate 5 meals.. lolx.. first we went to eat at mac.. second went to far east plaza for snow ice.. third we went to isetan for fruits session.. fourth we ate tepanyaki chicken... LOL.. seriously pigs.. ate and ate like nobody business... currently i do not have enough hangers for all my clothes.. some have to fold... :( i onli fold unwanted clothes.. nw even nice and new clothes also have to fold.. should go to ikea to buy more hangers.. LOL.. mummy said that one day my cupboard is goin to drop... anyway, tmr goin to do project in sch.. wed another outing session, thurs goin to watch movie?? OMG.. when is money goin to drop from the sky?? did not dare to take much pic.. kina don want to rmb how much i spend and shop..onli have one super blur pic.. sis say is scary to go shopping with me... :(
my blur face

outing with babes
^^ yesterday went out with mx, cyndi and tingli... met tingli and cyndi first in serangoon mrt.. than met mei xian in bugis after eating.. lolx.. went to shop around bugis.. bought stuffs than went to orchard.. there is where we start our shopping mania.. LOLX.. i bought damm lot stuffs yesterday.. nearly went broke.. orchard is full of ppl.. every shop we went in is pack with ppl.. i wonder where all their money came from.. LOL.. around 7, we went back to serangoon.. me and mei xian took cab down for our lesson as we were late.. damm cheap.. i sometimes tink that taking cab is cheaper than bus.. it not onli saves time but also save enegry^^

wad we ate for dinner..

Saturday, June 6, 2009
last day of sch:D
finally it is the last day of sch be4 the three weeks break.. hurray^^ todae went out with mummy and mei mei.. mei bought new phone:( the lastest samsung phone, star... envy. make me jealous like crazy.. anyway saw tis on want one so badly... :( too bad i can't buy it is not onli ex and i don have paypal to buy tis. Should i apply for one?? how to i do that? sigh:(
Dr. Martens Original Boot.. want it so badly..

can money drop from the sky?
Dr. Martens Original Boot.. want it so badly..

can money drop from the sky?
Thursday, June 4, 2009
todae was suppose to have star training but did not go:D went to meet mei xian at bukit batok.. lolx.. coz she helping out at a childcare center there.. than i become kpo.. go and help out also... quite fun.. all the children there was cute:D the gurls would ask me question like " y ur hair so long? " , " you want me help u tye ur hair", "how come ur earring so big", how come ur braclet so pretty? " , " how come ur nails is white at the top?" ," y mei xian one don have? " tis are the few question.. damm damm cute lah.. how nice i can start there:D
after that MEI XIAN COMPANY ME TO RAFFLES PLACE to take my shoes:D big enough?? LOLX.. bought subway:D than went to plaza sing to meet mummy,daddy and mei.. went to thai express. than shop around saw mani mani clothes i like in dorothy perkins.. sigh:( went home play fish a fish.. LOL.. since i gt home at 10.. i been playing it till nw... :D addicted to it.. too bad no more stamina if not i sure will continue playing :d tmr sch start early.. have to slp:(
after that MEI XIAN COMPANY ME TO RAFFLES PLACE to take my shoes:D big enough?? LOLX.. bought subway:D than went to plaza sing to meet mummy,daddy and mei.. went to thai express. than shop around saw mani mani clothes i like in dorothy perkins.. sigh:( went home play fish a fish.. LOL.. since i gt home at 10.. i been playing it till nw... :D addicted to it.. too bad no more stamina if not i sure will continue playing :d tmr sch start early.. have to slp:(
Monday, June 1, 2009
mei xian birthday celebration:D
yesterday, celebrated mei xian 18th birthday:D was suppose to play paintpin ball. But too bad there were too little ppl.. for a game, need min. 6 ppl.. lolx.. so ended up goin for lunch:D meet mei xian and hui xin @ serangoon at 12.30. mei xian did not noe cyndi and cylvi was goin.. lolx.. part of our surprise plan :d reached there, walked around and went to swensens to eat:D while mei xian was choosing wad she wanted to eat, i said that i need to go to the toilet.. but actually, i went to call cyndi and ask her come in to swensens.. we talked to the manager asking him to serve us the ice cream cake after we ate finish :D u should have seen mei xian face when she saw them.. lolx.. after eating, the cake came, bishan swensens service was bad.. :( nvr mind.. sang birthday song for her.. ppl even joined in.. lolx.. than ate the blackforest cake.. :D walked around and decided to play bowling.. bowling was fun except that the place was horrible.. after that went for our lesson:D than home sweet home :D should let the picture do the talking:D

group photo without evan and TINGLI:d
tingli and evan where are u??

group photo without evan and TINGLI:d

our dinner:D
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