it is valentine's day todae.. haha:D on the street will be full of flowers and happie couple.. :D too bad i am spending my valentine day sleeping and with my parents.. haha:D be a big lamppost.. todae went to sch for visual basic tutorial and crs exam.. spelling error... lolx.. faint don noe will i fail or not.. :( todae went to find mei xian after sch.. trying to find serangoon cc.. but who could not find.. walk like crazy and we both were super hungry.. while walking, i was sure i am goin to faint.. i have practically no enegry at all.. could not move.. haha:D went to sign up for korean lesson.. 110 dollars.. hope there is enough ppl to start the class:D after tat, went to hougang to eat.. saw.... haha:D after tat, went hm.. :D anyway, i bought my book.. damm happie onli tat the cover was not wad i wanted.. damm sad for tis.. goin to wrap my book up so it will not spoil:D
yesterday was formal wear again.. tis time is job interview.. score a B+... average score.. haha:D yesterday was super formal for me.. haha:D i wore high waist skirt, and long sleeve shirt with heels.. lolx.. look like a office lady goin for interview.. coz i was carrying my portfolio.. after interview, went to eat with the whole class at fc4.. after eating, me, shirley,pris, ryan,zac and wei sheng plan to go kbox.. haha:D went to marina square's kbox.. my second time to kbox.. i was like so noob.. everything also don noe.. lolx.. quite fun.. we keep eating the snacks until veri horrible.. lolx.. i keep goin to the toilet yesterday..don noe wad is wrong with my blander ytd.. lolx. went hm around 7 plus... damm tired.. went to eat dinner, than came hm.. i sat down on the floor and slpt.. haha:D first time so tired when i did not do much thing.. woke up tis morning feel pain all over... surprising, shirley and pris felt the same way.. weird.. we did not do much except sat down.. maybe it was becoz we woke up early.. :D pics will continue talking:D kbox pics is with pris.. have to wait for her to send me:D
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