Been trying to get used to the life in singapore since i came back from china. Lifestyles are totally different. In wuhan i will be around people 24/7. And i will have different activities every weekend. Most of the weekends are full of fun.. Experience many many different things that makes me grow up. Had a dramatic life.. Things that i will never imagine happening to me. Not saying that being in singapore is not fun. Is just that the feelings is different...
I have so many things to updates.. Uncountable pictures from china and korea. I am super super lazy to update anything. Guess i will juz blog about recent things that happen. The week that i came back from korea was spend with the poly friends.. Went out on thurs with pris,steph,fel to register for SIM.. Me and pris decided to wear high heels. Kinda a bad decision coz we had to run from one place to another. From sim to orchard to plaza sing.. My leg nearly dead that day.. Luckily it is feeling better now.. I was wearing a 3.5 inches heels so you can roughly guess how tiring it was.. And i was not used to wear heels... Ok enough of the naggings.. Went to far east plaza to get my nails done.. My hands feel horrible since i came back from china.. :( Went to meet the guys after their work for dinner. Went to timbre. My first time going there. Pretty good environment i would say. The pizza was good :D Chit chat for awhile and home sweet home :D Had a pretty good time..

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