Korea trip was directly the next day when i touch down from china. It was pretty rush. Was super glad that we were going to korea the next day as i just couldn't adapt to singapore weather juz yet. :D Or maybe cause i was wearing three thick jacket on my body when we landed.. My whole body was swollen. Esp my fingers. They look like hotdogs?? LOL
Anyway ate steamboat the next day as reunion dinner :D Quickly packed my luggage and off we went to the airport :D Was super exhausted therefore i slept throughout the whole journey to korea. Reach korea early in the morning. Was back in korea after 5 years?? The first place we went to was everland. I rmb the last time i played everland was pretty sad. As i had to played most of the game by myself. No one was game enough to play with me. Luckily this trip i had my cousins :D It was one of the best. We played all the thrilling rides that i saw...

The safari bus that we took.
The tiger was juz beside me.

The scenery was beautiful. I can see snow all over :D

The roller coaster that was not finish building. It looks like fun. Hope the next time if i go back to everland, it will be ready :D

I love my boots. It kept me warm the whole time when everyone was freezing :D

This was the roller coaster. It was the best ride i ever took. It was thrilling enough...

The place that we stopped for toilet break. It was surrounded by mountain. I could resist taking a picture :D
After everland, we travlled 3 hours to this restaurant. It was our first meal and our reunion dinner as it was the first day of chinese new year :D It was good.

This was our hotel room for the night. It looks like an apartment instead. There was kitchen, two room and one toilet :D Was big enough for 4 people.

2nd day was spent at the ski resort. Yongpyong ski resort. It was the resort that was on winter sonata. It was really cold up there :D
The breakfast we had before travelling to yongpyong ski resort.

Reached yongpyong ski resort. :D It was full of snow. LOL what am i talking about right?? It was a SKI RESORT..

Took the gondola up to the top of Mt Balwang. (if i am not wrong :D )

The scenery at the top :D
Beautiful but it was freaking cold..
Minus 13 i think .. See our frozen face.

Group photo of our family :D

The young adults/girls :D

My two cousin again :D

Another group photo :D It was too beautiful to resist.
Next stop was fitting of skiing outfit. We had to rent skiing outfits :D Rent the pants, coat, gloves and goggles.
Simple lunch.
Learning how to ski :D Taught by the tour guide. It was not as easy as it seem.
Mei and daddy :D Mummy was busy walking instead of skiing. LOL

It looks relaxing but seriously i was out of breathe in this picture. Coz i juz climbed all the while up to ski down for only like what? 1 min.. I took half an hour to climb up.. Oh btw while skiing down, i fall down and i couldn't stand up myself. I had to shout for help before this nice couple hold me up. Super embarrassing :(

It was beautiful i would wanna go back there to ski again :D But before i ski again let me train myself to be fit enough to climb up the mountain and ski back down again :D

One last picture of me before i end the post.
I will post day 3, 4 and 5 some other day :D CIAO.