Tis was draft on sunday therefore the day different.:D
Totally exhausted now. Juz came back from a concert in NAFA. Mom's friend concert. It was quite how to say not my cup of tea althought i adore ballroom dancing. Maybe coz it was mostly oldies. But not that bad.. Goin to slp soon after i blog i juz want to lye down on my bed.
Tis afternoon went to orchard with sis. Daddy drop us at taka and we went shopping:D she bought her wallet and i bought my shirt:D was looking for a short at first but sis say it was not veri nice :( so did not get it.. Bought other things instead. I love the octopus ball at orchard. Totally heaven. Crispy on the outside soft in the inside. If u are at ion rmb to buy.
Wore tis shirt i bought from f21 on monday. It look good in the beginning. But towards the end, the shirt kept dropping, causing me to keep pulling it up. The worse moment was when the whole shirt totally slip down and i had to held onto it through out my walk to the toilet. Super embarrasing. :( Nvr wear low cut shirt without tubes again ...
Yesterday went to debate with the teachers about the attachment and fyp thing. I totally don understand y they could not put one whole class together and the other class together. Y muz they separate us?? sigh:( now our class is split. Not into half but is 3/4 do fyp first ( i am inside the 3/4).. 1/4 do attachment first. Damm sad lah. Will miss all the girls when they are doing attachment. Is like our last year in sch also cannot be together.. Wonder will the fyp be veri difficult. Pray that it is not.
ps. is my song with scary?? P

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