now is offically 2.15 am.. i am still awake.. been so long since i slp so late.. :D since i started work, i slept early almost everyday.. gt to enjoy the night life again. I do not noe being kind is a good or bad thing? Not saying i am kind or anything like that.. haha:D juz suddenly thought of tis.. i guess being too kind and evil both have their advantages and disadavantages.. ^^ saving up terribly for my winter coat, leather boots, bag.... hope i will not see what and buy what again.. seems to have tis habit.. that is y i am so broke all of the sudden.. damm sad.. if i were to sell all my clothes (which i tink no ones want), at the same price i bought them, i will be rich.. haha:D i seems to like buying clothes, shoes, bag at not a discounted price.. i buy them when they are at their most ex price.. how clever of me.. but when i see their price drop like mad during the GSS or some sales, my heart will sink too... my cupboard is big.. But it is currently totally full.. that i have to put some of my clothes on the chair and in the living room.. i tink i need to go ikea le.. my iron rod in the cupboard is bend.. haha:D coz of all the jeans jacket and shirts.. i admit i have way to mani jackets.. but clothes are nvr enough... okay enough about my clothes.. need to be packed into the plastic bag and send them away le ^^
Suddenly turned and look at my room.. i was in shock.. how mani clothes lying here and there... i have 5 chair in my room.. All is filled with my clothes:( horrible me.. Did i juz said i bought two more scarf?? juz because i thought they were cheap? lolx.. my mom said i am a shopaholic.. luckily i am not a serious one.. i tink i can go on raving about how mani clothes are there in my room.. and how messy my room look.. But i tink those who read tis post will fall asleep.. haha:D
okay 16 more days before i fly ^^ anyway.. HAPPIE BIRTHDAY EVAN.. haha:D okay althought it is pass 12 now.. But still ^^ happie birthday evan.. now u are 18 juz like us ^^

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