
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

goin to be a big fat pig soon.. juz ate one maggie mee juz nw.. feeling so guilty nw.. okay anyway yesterday was formal presentation day. everyone look kina different althought tis is the third time i saw pris and shirley wearing formal.. LOL.. took alot of pics.. by ourseleves.. have damm lot of project to do.. but i am too lazy to start on any.. sigh:( last min work again.. and i don reallie like our business teacher. When we were presenting he was not looking at us but doin other things.. shirley say my face was damm black after that.. seriously can't stand him.. damm pissed off at that moment.. gtg and do my elit le.. :( pics time lots of pics.. beware..

after one year:
i still tink we look the same.. lolx

can guess who is who??

lolx.. can u guess wad we trying to do?

me and shirley closing our eyes while pris is trying to open her's as big as possible.. lolx
nw is shirley turn
my turn.. lolx. .whose eyes bigger?? mine right?

i look like shit.. lolx
monkey face..

LOL.. love tis pic the best
she is trying to copy me.. lol
pris look damm cute in this pic lor.. lolx

scary pic..

i trying to copy her mouth action..

cute right?

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