i cried like mad when i watch tis video.. damm touching can... omg father love...
A son asked his father, "Dad, will you take part in a marathon with me?" The father who despite having a heart condition, said, "Yes".
They went on to complete the marathon together. Father and son went on to join other marathons, the father always saying, "Yes" to his son's request of going through the race together.
One day, the son asked his father, 'Dad, let us join the Ironman together; to which his father said, "Yes", too.
For those who don't know, Ironman is the toughest triathlon ever. The race consists of three endurance events of a 2.4 miles (3.86 kilometers) ocean swim followed by a 112 miles (180.2 kilometers) bike ride and ending with a 26.2 miles (42.195 kilometers) marathon along the coast of the Big Island.
Father and son went on to complete the race together.
Based on the TV interview of Dick and Rick Hoyt, Dick, the father explained that Rick while still in his mother's womb, the umbilical chord was wrapped around his neck cutting off oxygen to the brain.
And when Rick was born, the doctor who was looking after Rick told Dick and his wife that Rick would never be able to walk nor talk all his life that it would be best that they put him away. But the Hoyts would not be willing to do such a thing and decided to bring him home instead and decided likewise to treat him just like anyone normal kid. So that when the family went for a swim, Rick went with them and so on and so forth.
It was one day while wathing TV (if my memory serves me right) that Rick saw a benefit marathon for a paralityc child and he wanted to be a part of the benefit marathon. And that started both father and son with their races even while Dick had a heart condition and Rick himself was not well all the time. In fact there were two years where they were not able to join the races because Dick had a heart attack and the other year was that (if I remember it correctly now, Rick was the one who had a problem.
And also based on an article that I read about them, both had so far completed 212 triathlons, 4 15-hour Inronmans. And that it was two years back from today, when Dick had his heart attack, and his doctor said, had it not been his good physical condition on account of the races, he would have died 15 years ago.
Both then via the races have served one another in a loving and wonderful way.
Dick humbly said in the interview when he was called a hero by the interviewer, "I just simply love my family".
And indeed, he loved them even as he loved Rick that much that he committed himself to do the tough physical demands of the races and the triathlons, the Ironman that his son may have the chance to enjoy the races and be a part of life. And in a return show of love and appreciation, Rick says this of his father, "Dad is my hero."
And to end my inputs on the father and son, I'd like to end what Rick says that he likes most...(Rick types using a special machine), he says, "The thing I most like is my dad sit in the chair and I push him once."
How touching!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
i am Obsessed with my sweater
lolx.. currently Obsessed with my new sweater that i bought yesterday.. love it so so much ^^ althought it is a little big.. no choice is a sales item.. don have most of the size.. :( the lady infront took the size i wanted in black.. dammit.. if onli my action were faster.. but still love my sweater ^^ want to hug it to slp later ^^ goin to do my project.. type tis mainly to talk about my Obsession of my sweater ^^
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
finally blogger is back to normal.. thanks for the tips ^^ ctrl + f 5 can do the trick.. juz did finish my law project.. super fun althought is abit dry ^^ quite fun tinking up story for the person to help her plea for lesser fine ^^ todae went out with cyndi last min planning.. coz i ended sch early and i called her.. jus nice she ended early too ^^ nice meeting old friends.. LOL.. cyndi u are old friend.. went to plaza sing first.. went in the fox, saw a sweater that is damm cheap and nice.. so i bought it.. $23 onli.. actual price was $69.90.. damm worth it.. ^^ good buy.. went to vivo after that.. shop around f21, topshop, warehouse, fox, saw damm lot of nice clothes.. money pls pls drop from the sky.. got from fox a shirt too... ppl muz be tinking i am weird.. don buy from ps.. nvr mind i like ^^ walk around for awhile more than went home.. ^^ hope i can faster finish poly ^^

goin to be a big fat pig soon.. juz ate one maggie mee juz nw.. feeling so guilty nw.. okay anyway yesterday was formal presentation day. everyone look kina different althought tis is the third time i saw pris and shirley wearing formal.. LOL.. took alot of pics.. by ourseleves.. have damm lot of project to do.. but i am too lazy to start on any.. sigh:( last min work again.. and i don reallie like our business teacher. When we were presenting he was not looking at us but doin other things.. shirley say my face was damm black after that.. seriously can't stand him.. damm pissed off at that moment.. gtg and do my elit le.. :( pics time lots of pics.. beware..
after one year:
i still tink we look the same.. lolx

can guess who is who??

lolx.. can u guess wad we trying to do?

me and shirley closing our eyes while pris is trying to open her's as big as possible.. lolx
nw is shirley turn
my turn.. lolx. .whose eyes bigger?? mine right?
i look like shit.. lolx
monkey face..

LOL.. love tis pic the best
she is trying to copy me.. lol
pris look damm cute in this pic lor.. lolx

scary pic..

i trying to copy her mouth action..

cute right?

Sunday, July 26, 2009
i tink i am weird tis few days.. tears would juz randomly fall from my eyes for no reason.. i tink is either depression or stress?? ppl will be tinking stress?? how am i stress when i don even study.. i have no idea too.. okay stop talking about unhappie stuffs.. lolx.. reallie love tis song WISH BY SENS.. damm nice. everyone should hear it.. (to those who like classical music onli ) highly recommanded.. it helps u to relax.. i want to get away from everything.. juz ran far far away where no one noes me..
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
finally can blog.. something is wrong with the new post.. anyway todae after sch, went to orchard with friends.. wanted to look at ion the new shopping center in orchard but totally forget.. reach home than rmb.. went to opp centerpoint the shopping center and ate jap food.. been eating alot of jap food recently.. the lastest trend.. lolx.. quite nice.. it is on the 5th floor i tink?? forget le.. anyway after that went to walk around than went to far east plaza to wait for steph to cut her hair.. i love the salon.. the hairstylist are great.. both from korea i tink or maybe one onli.. not veri sure.. they super nice and help me curl my hair for free ^^ love the waves.. muz save money for my curl ^^ pris and steph also curl ... lolx.. all look damm cute..
went to meet hx in amk after that for some meeting up session.. lolx.. amk hub is boring nothing to shop and do there.. oh ya we chat alot.. and saw shirley.. lolx.. i like saw long time nvr c friend, super excited.. hx said i talked super lot even she inside the shop also can hear.. sigh:( when can i kick tis habit away?? someone help me. i don want to talk so lot and i am super hyper.. for no reason.. like crazy.. pics time ^^

super ugly i noe.. i was super warm at that moment..
look like a mad woman taking pic by the window.. lolx


veri close up.. lolx
went to meet hx in amk after that for some meeting up session.. lolx.. amk hub is boring nothing to shop and do there.. oh ya we chat alot.. and saw shirley.. lolx.. i like saw long time nvr c friend, super excited.. hx said i talked super lot even she inside the shop also can hear.. sigh:( when can i kick tis habit away?? someone help me. i don want to talk so lot and i am super hyper.. for no reason.. like crazy.. pics time ^^

Monday, July 20, 2009
nothing much goin on in my life tis few days.. everyday is eat, slp, watch tv, play com.. nothing much.. LOL.. no wonder i am becoming into a pig.. friday night went to watch harry potter with family.. quite disappointing.. not as nice as i expected.. i can't seems to rmb any scenes at all.. all i can rmb is that Dumbledore is dead.. the rest not a veri deep impressation.. sigh:( anyway somethings wrong with my spelling tis few days.. i can't seems to spell and prononouns anything.. useless me.. oh yah one of my lecturer is sick from monday to wed.. that means sch will end early everyday ^^ happie happie me.. and dateline for project is extend.. even more happier.. but it also means that exam is coming again.. i can't seems to get rid of exam. hated exam since i was a small kid.. :( okay goin to watch my tv^^
Thursday, July 16, 2009
todae after sch, went out with pris to marine square.. lolx.. went there to watch ice age.. quite funnie.. we laugh like siao.. oh ya we saw lee nangxing.. he like quite shuai.. he don reallie look that old.. went to bishan after that ^^ book ticket for harry potter. Everything was full. Luckily i gt the back seat.. heng ah.. than went back to city hall. Shop around raffles place.. accessories having 50% sales.. most of the things is 50% i wanted to get something. But the whole shop is super packed with ppl, cannot even move. Therefore decided to go elsewhere.. went to topshop to c.. sigh:( i want money to drop from the sky.. OH YA.. I SAW MY DR MARTEN SHOES TODAE.. DAMM EXCITED.. BUT GUESS WAD?? IT IS 165 FOR THE WHITE ONE AND 195 FOR THE GOLD ONE.. HOW NICE? sigh:( money money drop from the sky .. finally around 5 goin to 6, tingli came ^^ shop around for awhile than cyndi and cylvi came.. went to esplanade to take pics for her project.. love her camera man.. $1200 sia.. took damm damm lot of pics.. cyndi and tingli become photographer consultant.. . took cab home^^ i love taking cab with alot of ppl.. how nice they all in my sch than we can everyday take cab don need take mrt le.. i hate mrt.. always so mani ppl. Worse thing is that i still carrying my 3kg lappie.. sigh:( i evny cyndi.. take cab home from her sch 4 or 6 bucks onli.. if mine were so cheap, i everyday also take cab.. too bad mine is 20 bucks.. sigh:( imagine i take to sch, take back home 40 dollars.. lolx.. crazy right?? oh ya i found out the big merlion is at esplanade.. call me noob or something, i thought merlion can onli be found in sentosa.. LOL.. they keep laughing at me.. went to the flyers after that. ate at popeye.. took damm lot of pics again.. most of the pic with cylvi coz she gt PROFESSIONAL CAMERA.. lolx.. after she send me than i am goin to post up ^^

keep having flash light... sigh:(

all pics of myself.. pris don want take.. LOL..

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