Sunday, June 29, 2008
mmmm.. doin nothing todae.. juz staying at hm rotting.. daddy cutted my hair todae le.. so much better than yesterday.. at least i looked normal le.. mmmm... now i look the same as last time.. wanted to change hairstyle de.. but i tink remain de same better.. okay tues starting of my cca.. i noe..damm late right?? cca starts at 6.30 and end at 7.30.. hope it will be fun.. althought i nvr dream be4 i will gt tis kind of cca.. i learning keyboard.. but it is under chinese cultral club.. weird right?? hehe:) i noe.. is sounds like i goin to learn chess.. okay whatever.. looking forward to tis cca.. hope i am able to learn something.. tmr so sian.. sch starts at 9 and end at 5.. super sian loh.. i am still in holiday mood.. wish i am still having holiday now... i need shopping.. shopping shopping and shopping... sian.. okay goin to watch show le.. evan introduce me tis show "heaven's wedding gown"althoguht it is a old show.. she say veri funnie and sad.. so i am goin to watch now.. haha:) will preview on it after i watch..
todae went out with parents... sis went to sch.. went to centre point to shop around.. bought one mango shirt.. wah... lots of clothes there.. c also headache.. but i do not want to miss tis sales.. so... haha:) bought one shirt.. at least i gt something.. oh ya.. went to cut my hair.. omg lah.. it is a shit... i reallie reallie regret cutting my hair.. sob sob:( now it looks so ugly.. sigh:( hope it will turn out okay.. tmr goin to cut again.. wish me luck.. hope it will be nicer.. i don even dare to look in de mirror.. whenever i looked, i will gt scared.. sigh:( okay tmr was suppose to work.. but we decided not to.. so we can stay at hm and rest.. wahahA:) i noe.. lazy bum right? hehe:) okay now is 2 am in de morning.. and i am still blogging.. hehe:) juz change blogskins.. hehe:) love tis blogskins too.. wanted to change song too .. but veri lazy.. haha:) oh yah.. i love jonas brothers.. they ar like so shuai.. hehe:) and so cooll... hehe:) okay goin to change my song too... changing to when u look me in the eyes by them.. hehe:) hurray to them.. they rockz.. haha:) i am goin crazy i noe.. okay goin to slp le.. too tired.. tmr still muz wake up early.. oh ya.. i need shopping.. since i gt my pay le.. mmmm.... tinking wad to buy.. i need clothes.. okay i want to buy a bag.. any intro???? okay i am zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz le.. oh yah.. goin to post those pic taken on thursday.. hehe:)
Friday, June 27, 2008
okay math test is finally over on wed.. it is equally bad.. sigh:( okay went to meet hui xin again after math.. okay.. sometime funnie happen.. okay when goin hm tat time, in de mrt station, when i on de escalator, there were two guys behind me, one infront of me.. i felt too close to the guy behind.. so i took one step down.. than suddenly, the guy infront of me talk to the guy behind me.. he say in chinese tat the guy look to pervert tat i dare not stand too close to him.. hehe:) i could not help but laugh.. is like damm funnie lah.. okay i cannot stop laughing all the while back.. okay thursday.. thursday was the day to take our pay.. hehe:) okay so me and hui xin met at 4.. than walk around bugis aimlessly while waiting for cyndi and mei xian.. hehe:) around 6 plus, they arrive.. we walk to sim lim, took our pay and went back to bugis.. i went back hm and they went to eat dinner together.. hehe:) okay goin to work again on sunday.. mmmm.. goin to give flyer in little india..... monday offically reallie sch reopen le.. sob sob:( love sch.. but do not like to study.. sigh:( okay lah.. goin to watch show le.. 27 dresses is damm nice lah. hehe:)
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
todae had my test.. sob sob:( i tink i am goin to fail.. it is a omg.. sigh:( question one still okay.. but from question two onwards, i cannot do le.. i juz keep fflicking my books for answers.. but could not find.. sigh:( wish i don need to retain.. okay anyway, happie.. tmr exams will be over.. hehe:) yah yah yah yah.. goin out with de six gurls on thursday.. yah.. can't wait for tat day..... mmmm... gt nothing to blog le.. except tat tmr goin to sch at 3.. ending sch at 4.30.....oh yah.. sis coming back from camp tmr.. hehe:) kinda miss her.. hehe:) hope tmr wil faster come.. and end.. haha:)
Monday, June 23, 2008
stress... now trying to study for my cos.. okay i am at onli chapter 1.. and onli half way.. i gt three more chapter to go.. jia you jia you.. sigh:( actually is my fault..who call me so late than study.. on tues, goin to hav to test.. cos and java.. i am goin to be roasted meat.. if i fail tis test, i don noe wad am i goin to do.. oh yah.. and i am still goin out tmr.. hehe:) with hui xin and friend.. omg lah.. i want to watch kung fu panda.. maybe goin to watch tmr.. than at might chiong all the way.. STUDYING STUDYING....... okay gtg and study le.. will blog again tmr.. hehe:) oh ya juz bought recently two disc.. both classical music.. damm nice lah.. one is from chris spheeris and one is from jim wilson.. both damm nice.. veri relaxing.. hehe:)and ya.. juz finish my web publishing project.. mmmm.. stress still but quite fun to do.. oaky lah.. reallie gtg le. muz go and studying le hehE:)
Saturday, June 21, 2008
now trying to do my project.. sob sob:( muz faster finish.. omg lah.. i gt three test coming up and i haven study yet.. stress.... so mani chapt.. two subject on one day.. wad de lah.. haix.. actually it is my fault who call me last min.. okay.. no more goin out until exams is over.. jyjy.. luckily i manage to find out wad to do for my project.. if not i am a goner.. muz link this link tat de.. so damm mai fan.. okay i muz go and do le.. cannot blog anymore... haHA:)
Friday, June 20, 2008
yesterday was a busy day.. went to sch early in de morning.. to listen to some talk about our sch signing contract with some hotel.. nearly fall asleep.. after tat talk, there was buffet.. okay food was okay.. stay there for quite a long time talking.. after tat, me and friends went to boon lay.. wanted to study.. but at last we were window shopping.. hehe:) first time goin to boon lay shopping mall i tink.. after tat shopping, i went to plaza sing to meet hui xin and cyndi.. went to eat kfc again.. than walk around.. hui xin and cyndi than went to pc bunk.. i nearly fall asleep inside as i did not play any thing.. inside was so nosiy and dark.. they played until 5 plus..... than we went to serangoon for a bbq.. walked a long journey to the condo.. we stayed there for a short while onli.. stay there until 8 plus.. than we went hm.. they place was super dark.. me, hui xin and cyndi were like clinging onto each other.. hehe:) damm dark and scary.. todae, i stayed at hm and rotted.. gt nothing to do at all.. woke up at 2 plus.. okay now goin to post de pic tat alicia send me.. hehe:)
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
tired todae althought it was fun.. went out with mich and alicia todae.. we walked around orchard... haha:) remind me not to wear heels anymore.. my leg is hurting me.. sob sob:( anyway, went to eat kfc for lunch.. than after lunch, went to walk around.. do not noe where to go.. so we went far east plaza look look.. saw mango sales lots of time.. than around 4 plus, we went to ljs to eat cake.. hehe:) quite nice.. took lots of pics.. but all with alicia.. so will hav to wait for her to send me than can upload.. hehe:) i had fun goin out with them.. mmmm.. when ar we goin to meet again?? okay i arrange.. hehe:) tis time i should be able to make it le.. hahaha:) cos is i arrange de.. hehe:) oh yah.. tmr goin to sch at 9.40.. super sian.. don feel like goin.. anyway, trying to burn the show.. but cannot.. sob sob.. they say my show is corrupted.. i have been trying since i don noe where.. i tink it was one month ago.. sob sob:( poor me.. someone help me..sigh:( okay will update again tmr...
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
finally decided to blog.. i hav been working tis few days at the PC fair.. tiring but fun.. was hoping to past time while working.. but end up, i was day dreaming my own time there.. i gt not much things to do.. mostly juz sit there and stare into space.. it was so serious tat ppl from other booth came and ask me y am i so free... hehe:) bought harddisk from the pc fair... super nice.. i love the skins.. thanks pris.. pris will u be touched if u c tis? saw lots of ppl at the pc fair.. todae, went out to meet cheryl and hui xin at hougang mall.. was suppose to be studying.. but end up looks like talking session.. hehe:) oh yah.. we went to eat ljs... while ordering food, it suddenly blackout.. we were like omg.. is it because our turn than blackout? hehe:)after eating, we went hm le.. yah... tmr meeting mich and alicia.. hehe:) finally we gt to meet after a super long long time.. mmmm.. wonder where will be goin.. mux take lots of pic tmr.. thurs goin back to sch to listen to don noe wad talk sure can fall asleep de... sigh:( don feel like goin but it is like compusory.. so..... sigh:( okay i tink i wrote long enough right?? there is pic.. but i am super lazy to upload.. so .. some other time bah... hehe:)
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
oh ya.. finally i decided to put a pic.. anyway, was too lazy to do tat last time.. todae again rot at hm.. but tis time is looking after ppl.. my sis and her friend came todae.. but actually, i juz sat in the room and do nothing.. hehe:) after tat,brought my sis to her paino lesson... than went to eat dinner.. went to bishan to eat.. we went to eat (i forgot wad is the restaurant name le) super long queue so we waited for around 20 to 30 mins like tat.. after that, we went hm.. tmr goin to start work le.. so will hav no time to blog.. work start at 11 tmr... was suppose to start at 12 de.. but they wanted us to gt ready all tat.. sigh:( tmr, i am the onli one working on level 6.. cyndi and mei xian and hui xin all on level4.. so lucky lah.. they all together.. onli me alone.. sob sob:( tmr gt to wake up early.. so i am slping soon le.. haha:)
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
todae same thing as yesterday.. staying at hm to rot.. but i muz enjoy if not later sch reopen want to stay at hm also cannot.. hehe:) anyway, love my new blogskins.. haha:) and my song.. hehE:) oh ya.. PRIS IS BACK.... pris ar u happie to c this? ar u touch?? hehe:P okay lah.. i gt nothing to post le.. so goin to end my post.. hehe:)if gt anything new, i will update de..
Monday, June 9, 2008
finally imeem was not lag.. hehe:) manage to put tis song.. the call in my blog.. wahahaha:) i did it.. and the day be4, ting li help me gt the songs.. hurray.. THANKS TING LI.. will u be touched when u c tis?? mmmm.. i wonder.. haha:) sch goin to reopen in one week and 6 days times.. times reallie fly when u ar enjoying.. anyway, i am now into tis hong kong show.. damm nice.. D.I.E.. it is a mystery show.. muz watch.. hehe:) goin to meet hui xin and mei xian tis wed.. i want to watch kung fu panda.. don noe if i can make it or not.. hope i can.. hehe:) oh ya.. exam are coming.. omg.. don noe whether will i be roasted meat or not.. pray i will not be.. hehe:) blog again tmr..
Sunday, June 8, 2008
found songs i like todae.. but i don noe how to dl.. sob sob..and cannot put on blog.. the imeem is super slow.. divine don hav those songs.. youtube muz click play than can.. sob sob i want the leona lewis-take a bow and regina spector- the call.. hehe:) hope someone can send me sia.. anyway, how come my blog timing always wrong de ah?? anyone noe y?? i don noe y leh.. now is 12.36 but they put 9 plus... y like tat??
Saturday, June 7, 2008

sigh:( actually write finish le.. but suddenly my lappie off.. so everything is gone.. muz re type.. i am so lazy to re type.. sigh:( i hav lots and lots of pic to upload todae.. yesterday, went to meet hui xin at bishan than we went to meet evan at bishan library.. we decided to eat pizza hut for lunch.. we waited for cyndi and cylvi to come than we went in.. we make a fool og ourselves lah.. hehe:) there was this guy who keep luaghing whenever he come to our table.. he laugh together with hui xin.. damm funnie.. cyndi they all went to arcade after eating. me and evan went to de library.. wanted to study.. but i fall asleep insted.. omg. hehe:) after tat, we went to sim lim square for training.. evan and cylvi went hm.. we walk around bugis passing time. but the time we end traiining, it was 8 le.. than we went to eat dinner and went hm around 10 plus.. tiring day.. hehe:)
Friday, June 6, 2008
did not blog for 3 days le.. wed went out with parents to eat buffet at the orchard don noe hotel.. after tat, went to orchard to shop.. than went to ang mo kio hub to watch narnai... nice show.. rate it 4/5..... i did not noe tat the show lasted for2 and de half hours.. hehe:) it feels like 1 and a half onli.. good show ar like ta.. u did not noe tat time pass so quickly.. okay i feel like i am trying to advertise for narnia..hehe:) okay.. gt pic to upload.. but super lazy.. c my mood good or not. if good, i will post pic.. hehE:) anyway, watching lots and lots of show tis few days.. i watched kurosagi, fated to love you and densha otoko... all damm nice.. hehe:) good show to watch.. i am reallie in holiday mood althought after holiday, i hav exam.. i am goin to be roasted meat.. sob sob:( anyway, tmr goin for the job training.. goin to start work on 12 june..... mmmm...and two more weeks of my holiday.. and two more weeks to my exam.. don noe is good news or bad news.. anyway, goin to watch my show le.. everyone play their games don want me le.... tis few days, i always slp so late.. omg lah.. i slp at 4 or 3 plus leh.. nvr once slp early. i tink i am used to it.. sigh:( okay gtg.. goin to watch my show le..
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

mmmm... when to meet ting li at 2 plus. went to bishan and wait for hui xin to end her sch.. than cyndi end sch early, so she decided to meet us at bishan.. so the four of us travel back to kovan.. to make hui xin and ting li contact lens.. mmmm... than went to jia yi bin ting to company hui xin to eat her tom yam maggie mee... tink it is super hot as her face go super red after eating..hehe:) she is goin to kill me when she c tis.. hehe:) okay no pic to post as all de pic is in cyndi hp.. goin to post old pic.. hehe:) last time forget to post de.. tis pic is shirley and pris tou pai de.. hehe:) they gt nothing better to do.. and i also gt nothing better to do.. so i am goin to post them..
Sunday, June 1, 2008
mmm.. back to blogging.. yesterday went to dobhy ghaut with Shirley.. while traveling there, when we were in de train, there was tis small boy tat love Shirley key chain so so much tat he wanted to eat it.. hahahaha:P damm funnie.. he put it in his mouth and nearly bite it.. hehe:) luckily him mom pull him away.. he still tried to pull it out.. hehe:) after tat, went to watch indiana jones with parents at night.... mmmm.. veri nice.. quite exciting rate it 3.5/5.. hehe:x todae, went out with hui xin,cyndi and mei xian to dobhy ghaut again.. went to mos burger to eat.. mmmm... than went to the arcade to play.. hehe:) we like veri childish right?? hehe:) anyway, play de basketball there.. damm fun lah.. me and cyndi one group, mei xian and hui xin one group.. we played more than 5 times.. hehe:) lost count le.. after tat, went to take neoprint inside de arcade.. damm cheap lah.. 3 dollars onli and de pic is nice.. we took two times.. wahahahA:) pic with cyndi will upload some other times.. hehE:) than after tat, we went to mac to eat ice cream.. hand now super pain.. so i will summary.. hehe:) anyway, went hm after eating ice cream.. than i went to compass point with parents to eat.. and i bought a new handphone..mmmm w910i.. was onli given 5 mins to chose de phone lah.. althought it is not de one i want, but quite nice lah.. hehE:) okay my hand super pain le.. muz stop.. hehE:)
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