I kinda forget what i have been doing this few weeks. Guess it was pretty much the same till i forgot which day is which day.
Yesterday went out with alicia for some shopping time in heels.. My leg is pretty much still in pain now. I guess i am not used to wearing heels. Either that or my heels is way too high for me to walk in for the whole day. Wore the heels out early in the morning for an interview and after that went to meet alicia for some shopping and chilling session. Walked from somerset to cine to book I am no. 4 ticket and walked to wisma for ding tai fung. Than to far east plaza for some medi. My nails was in bad condition. By the time we finish doing our nails, it was 4.08.. And our movie starts at 4.10.. We totally panicked.. Took a cab down to cine to catch our movie. Luckily we were in time. The show was a great one. I love it. It was thrilling, scary and nice. Okay not so scary as ghost show but it was shocking at some part. :D I rate it 4/5 :D I would totally watch it again..
Walked around taka before heading home. I think i changed since i came back from china. I no longer have that mindset that i need to buy something before going home :D Which is a totally good thing i guess.. Been heading out three days in a row. But i always came home empty handed :D Hope i will keep it up. Okay time for some picture time :D

We ordered quite alot. I hate till i was too full to finish everything.